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P1 Unit 12 Level 3 Health and Social


Submitted By bekstar18
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In this assignment i will will be talking about a range of different aspects which


The rights for employment in the past compared to the present has changed dramatically. In the past women had no rights; therefore they wasnt allowed to work. This meant that that it was left to the men to earn the money. Most jobs were found in the factories where a maximum of fourteen hours shifts would be worked. Children were also allowed to work from a young age, in such places like factories, chimneys and cotton mills. Due to being allowed to work at a young age the life expectensy of a person in the past was only 20-30. A person who exceeded life expectency would suffer from lost limbs, disfiguments and loss of hearing. There wasnt implimentry put in place to protect the workers. This meant that if a worker was to be injured during work then no medical treatment would be given. They would either have to carry on working or if unable to be fired; which most workers couldnt afford to happen. This means many of the workers would be working in states which wouldnt be seen acceptable now in the future. Towards the end of the past were a women group called the suffrogets. This was a group of women who were fighting for women rights. It is a term which is associated with activists in the british WSPU which was led by Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst. They used to do extreme actions for a reaction such as; chaining themselves to railing to provoke an arrest, pouring harsh chemicals into mailboxes and others. One of the members of the suffrogets even threw themselves in front of a horse and carriage. This was a dramatic act which led to the women in the past start to gain rights; the beggining of equal opportunity and equal rights.

However now in the present every human being has equal rights. Meaning every individual can work regardless of diversity. The legislation which puts this in place is the provision in the equality act 2010; which entitles a women doing equal work with a man in the same employment to equality in pay and other terms and conditions. In work places in the present there is a health and safety act which protects employees. One of the proctections which the present has compared to the past is the appropriate head, ear and foot gear. Another difference is there are more legisaltions, laws and acts to protect humans whilst in employment. The Employment protection legislation includes all types of employment protection measures, whether grounded primarily in legislation, court rulings, collectively bargained conditions of emplyment or customary practice. There is also alot more job variety in different areas of work. This gives more opportunity to find a place of employment.

In the past the sweages are nothing like it is in the present. There are no indoor plumbing; as the street were used to dump waste. The metal tins which were used to go toilet were emptied out of windows. This meant that the fetile which were emptied out the bins would be left in the streets rotting. There was no hygienic rules which allowed diseases to be passed along easily. There was no running water in the house which meant a communal tap would be used which would contain loads of bacteria; which could be passed on to other individuals who use the tap. Rather than struggling to fill a metal bucket from the communial tap; they would bathe and wash in the river. The water which would be used would be dirty. This would happen once a week or month.

In comparison to the past the sewage in the future is done underground; with indoor plumbing and water. This means toilets and baths are inside the building; allowing people to clean and wash more often. By having limescale in the water clears any metal fibres which can be found which allows the water to be filtered leaving it clean and bacteria free. The hygiene rules in the present is made more of obligation as it is taught to every one from a young age. This means bacteria and disease cant be passed as easily as it was in the past. Also in the present there are things which are manatory. Such as wearing gloves in hospitals, dentists and other places where physical contact cant be helped. This is due to legislations which have been put in place to make this oblivitary.

Talk about sewage legislation

The health care we had in the past to prevent illness and disease is nothing compared to the present. In the past due to lack of knowledge on hygiene and prevention there were more illnesses and disease about. The plague also known as the black plague which captured alot of lifes; as the precautions which were put in place wasnt able to stop it from spreading. Some of the precautions which were assumed to prevent the plague was to have a pocket full of posies. In the past this was seen to keep the plague away. They also believed that a person who had died from the plague were still able to pass the disease. A red cross would be put on doors of a house where an individual had passed from the disease. Due to the lack of knowledge on prevention even a cold could kill people in the past. Another disease which was common in the past were small poxs. This was seen as contagous just by being near someone with disease could be caught. It was until a man called __________ who accidently stumbled across away of preventing the disease. ________ had noticed that the women who milked the cows were coming down with a disease called cow poxs, but not small poxs. ______ desided to do an experiment with a little boy called ________. He injected the boy with a dosage of cow poxs which caused the boy to be ill; but make a full recovery. Once the boy had recovered he injected the boy with a small dosage of the small pox disease. Throught this experiment __________ was able to conclude that by having cow poxs made people immune to small pox disease. A disease which was found in dirty water supply was called chloea. This was a disease which was passed throught the water the people from the past would consume, wash in and bathe in. This took many lifes as people from the past had no choice whether to use the water as there wasnt many sources where water could be found. TB wasnt a disease wgucg origninated in England and was brought in by the immigrants from foreign countries. This disease affected the lungs, which isthe main part but also other parts of the body aswell. SCARLET FEVER


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