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Paintings to Kill for


Submitted By jokkalo
Words 1114
Pages 5
An eerie atmosphere surrounding the first niveau of the castle . The walls are bare stone floor is cold and rough , a thin strip of moonlight intrudes through the two dilapidated windows , and do their best to brighten up the room. Stein and Robert could agree that the moon is not entirely successful with it - but they would on the other hand do not have a lost lean to light the way for them, so they did not complain . There, they carefully walked across the cold floor so they know someone kept an eye on them . A black eye with a hard, cold eyes followed our two adventurers in every step they took , every movement they undertook . This was Stein and Robert mentioned blissfully unaware . Or , so very happy they were not where they nervous crept through the room , but it is an indisputable fact that they would have been much more nervous if they knew they were under someone's attention - and definitely if they knew who that someone was. Yes , I would go so far as to say that it probably would have been a gust down the back of anyone and everyone if they knew who the spy was, but I 'm not going to ruin your sleep to some by revealing his or her identity , let me just say that the clues are there, would anyone want to untangle the strings , so it is certainly possible.

The next room is almost identical to the first - apart from a staircase leading up to the second niveau . You decide heroes to not go up, but rather continue on to the next room. The next room again has only one opening on ground level - the one they came through . Across the room, which has a dirty carpet placed right above the ground, is a staircase. Steps are quite similar to that in the previous room , but are located on opposite sides of the room. Stein and Robert going up these stairs and end up in a room on the second niveau . This room is small and shows signs of being an anteroom . The heroes go quickly through this room before going into the next room. This room is a majestic sight, since it is much larger than the other rooms they have been so far , the floor is covered with a large , beautiful carpet, but it is most striking about this room is all the paintings hanging on the wall. To the left of the opening Stein and Robert came through , that is, the wall on the other side is out in the open, hanging beautiful landscape paintings. Paintings of blue mountains, green meadows, rivers winding through rugged terrain . Across the room, on the wall facing the middle part of the castle is the cleanest war zone. It hangs paintings of battles , captains who leads his men of war , blood shed , swords , guns , and so on . On the wall directly in front of our heroes , which has an opening that leads further into the castle , hanging the two largest paintings - one on each side of the opening . Here two men in beautiful robes been photographed - one a grande , with a funny nose and a goatee , his eyes are half-closed , but the more he seems to listen for sounds in the room , the other a lord , with a big mustache and a knowing glance that seems to look across the room at once. Stein and Robert crosses the room with awe - it's like the room reeks of nobility . In the Stein approaches the opening that leads into the next room , he looks at paintings on the wall. He looks at the painting of the Grand. His half-closed eyes and odd nose that almost standing straight up carrying signs about an arrogant nobleman who looked down on everyone around him . Suddenly he stiffens . Granden ! The nose ! It was facing the window wall - now it is facing the opening ! He turns to Robert, but Robert is already stiff as a stick , staring at the painting of lord . Stein turns to it - and staring into the most devilish eyes he has ever seen ; former's mouth is now completely open , and he exposes the sharpest teeth Stein seen. Suddenly a loud crash in the room and grand and lord rises out of the paintings .

The ensuing struggle between life and death is closely witnessed this strange creature who constantly prowling around the castle , the appropriate distance to the heroes . Now he sees how grim nobility , who came back to life , taking up their swords and approaching the poor , bewildered friends . The spectacle now unfolding before the eyes of the spy is a true remarkable one. Where heroes got their swords from no one knows to this day . Still do not see the spy least surprised - go figure can! The dramatic sword fight lasts a few minutes. First to succumb is grand , after centuries on the wall , just listening to the surroundings , it was not the sight of his best condition , and finally he had to give up in the Robert chop off his head . At mysteriously disappears body and head before the eyes of the terrified witnesses , and grand takes enough once place on the wall - now with a scar across his neck. In the Stein is about to settle former's fate , he takes an unexpected turn, and hews to the Robert, being beaten several feet backwards. This does not prevent Stein from running his sword right through the lord . In a short period of time is also lord back to the wall - this time with a barely noticeable blood stain in the middle of the white shirt .

Back on the floor is Robert . Stone rushes to the aid of his friend. - Robert ! Are you badly hurt ? - No ... a ... flesh wound ... just ... - We must find the relic , but I 'm not leaving without you! - Just go ... you ... said Robert with failing voice. - Go ! ... Do not worry about me ... I can ... me ... he says and die. After wiping away a tear and kissed his dead friend's forehead, Svein go into the next room and finds enough a staircase leading up to the third niveau . Third niveau looks more like the first than the second , and having forced a scary library , which I do not have time to elaborate on here , he comes to a long staircase that winds around the castle and head up to a of the upper towers. Stone climbs up the stairs and get into a little room with a big shiny object standing in the middle of the floor. Stein goes with rhythmic steps towards the relic , just behind the spy enters the room.

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