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Pandora According To Myth

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According to Myth, pandora was the first women on earth. God crested her and all Gods gave her gifts, that is why her name is Pandora- The one who bears all gifts. Pandora was created by Zeus, to give punishment to humankind. Because The Fire was stolen by Prometheus, he stole it to give it to humans. According to Hesiod, gifts given by god to Pandora were Evil. Pandora was made from clay. Felinity was given to her by Aphrodite, and Athena tough her crafts. Zeus gave Hermes an order to make Pandora curios and stubborn. Pandora was told by gods not to open the box with the gifts. Hermes took Pandora to Epimetheus who was the brother of Prometheus. They both were advised not to accept anything from gods, but he was so into Pandora so he couldn’t

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