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Paragraph Assignment 1 Writing with Intent


Submitted By megan789
Words 390
Pages 2
English 47A
13 February 2014
Paragraph Assignment 1
Writing with Intent

I can improve my writing in the next thirteen weeks by studying vocabulary, practicing reading, and proofreading my work. For example I have a subscription to the Union Tribune Newspaper. I try to read a newspaper article daily. As a result, I am able to keep up with the local news and learn new vocabulary. In fact the dictionary has become my best friend. Using the dictionary to look up words I don’t understand will help me understand the meaning and the flow of the story. I have added many new words to my vocabulary by doing this. Using the new words in my speech and writing, I am able to remember the vocabulary.
Additionally to improve my writing, I have established a reading routine schedule. Early in the morning I read a book for thirty minutes. Secondly, I read a magazine or newspaper article in the late evening. My two favorite magazines are Times and National Geographic. They are very challenging magazines. However when I don’t understand the material, I will reread until I comprehend. Also reading a book or a magazine increases my knowledge and makes me smarter.
Yet another reason my writing will get better is by proofreading my work. I will do this by using the tutorial service at the Academic Skills Center. Last week, when I walked in the Academic Skills Center for the first time, I was very impressed. And the best part, “it is free!” I plan to take all my English assignments that need to be proofread. Having other people read my assignments will help me correct my mistakes. Additionally reading out loud to myself, I am able to point out any run-on sentences. You won’t believe how many times I do this! Not to forget my new best friend the Dictionary I’m able to check my grammar.
Therefore to improve my writing I need to practice my vocabulary on a daily basis. Secondly read much more. They say reading is power. Also proofreading my work will avoid typos I over looked. This class is going to be challenging and it’s not going to be easy for myself and the class, “but the thing that distinguishes one performer from another is how hard he or she works.” (Outliers, 39)

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