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Parental Rights


Submitted By kymareid
Words 648
Pages 3
Manager: Lascelles Chin
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Lasco Gorup of Companies

Lascelles Chin is one of Jamaica’s most respected and distinguished entrepreneurs. Despite being rejected a loan to start his business, he turned to his savings of £175, which he had saved while working as a lab technician. I think he a good manage because he encompasses most of roles of managers that Henry Fayol discussed, Lascelles Chin is a people person, he provides food items for Jamaicans and Caribbean neighbors. Mr. Chin is a manager who supports his staff’s professional and personal development. His accomplishments have provided a great deal of motivation and inspiration for his staff and others. Form owning his first business in 1961, which was named National Trading Company, to date he operates a number of other businesses which includes, Soft Sheen Exotic Farms Limited, Lasco Foods Limited, Lasco Distributors, Lasco Properties, Lasco Financial Services, Lasco Barbados and Summit Development and this is just to name a few. Lascelles Chin clearly defined his goals in terms of what needs to be achieved and the timeline in which this should be achieved. In 2010 three of his Lasco Affiliates recorded increase in revenues. Lasco Manufacturing revenue was 186M, Lasco Financial Services Ltd 11M and Lasco Distributors Ltd 341M. This was achieved within six months, and brought the company’s net profit to 1.43B compared to 1.23B for the previous year. It is through his ability to coordinate the activities of the company and also motivating his worker that he was able to achieve this success. Mr. Chin was a good leader as he made sure to motivate his staff by awarding employee of the month and different activities that the staffs are able to participate in.

Leader: Martin Luther King Jr. Pastor and Civil Right Activist

Born Michael Luther King Jr. but later had his

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