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Sexuality and Culture
성과 문화

Prof. Seo, Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

우리시대 연애각본

Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

자본주의와 결합된 연애의 시대
■ 사랑의 프로그래밍
▶ 대중매체는 사랑에 영향을 주며, 가이드 및 교육자의 역할을 함. ex) 연인들의 기본조건을 개별적으로 프로그래밍하고 적용, 사랑의 시장상황
전달, 섹스와 관련된 주요정보 제공, 사랑의 모델 제시.
▶ 끊임없이 현재의 사랑관 및 행동 모델을 제시하며, 이 모델은 단말적인 변
동성을 지님.

Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

자본주의와 결합된 연애의 시대
■ 연애권하는 사회
자본의 소비창출활동에 ‘사랑과 친밀함’이 가장 집중적인 매개가 되고 매우 성
공적 결과를 수행함
 경제는 낭만적 감정을 소비를 통한 사랑의 연출로 종속시킴. 대중매체가 선
전하는 모든 사랑의 규칙과 모델은 특정 형태의 상품 소비를 유도함. 즉, 사랑
의 경제화가 가속화됨.
’dating mate’
▶ dating의 기능
- 결혼동기 제공, 즐거움과 오락의 기능, 사회적 지위성취의 기능,
사회화의 기능

Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

자본주의와 결합된 연애의 시대

■ 연애 = 소비
연애=소비 등식성립
- 데이트 과정은 곧 소비의 과정
광고들은 소비 욕구들을 이끌어내는 방법으로 ‘친밀성’활용
- ‘사랑하는 사람’에게 능력을 보여주는 과정 = 연애의 과정
- ‘커플’로서 물건을 구입하고 여가 및 문화생활을 즐기는 과정
= 소비의 과정
- 소비를 주도하는 주체: 능력있는 남성
남성의 구매능력과 소비능력의 행복한 수혜자: 여성

■ 프로젝트화되는 연애
- 글로벌 소비대중문화의 영향
- 연애 공동기획자
Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

자본주의와 결합된 연애의 시대

연애의 상업화
- “혼 활 시 대 ” ; 야마다 마시히로 “취직을 위해 구직활동이 필요하듯
결혼하려면 결혼활동이 필요하다” ; 20-30대 ‘자기계발’에 익숙한 세
대, 다양한 사람을 만나고 사랑을 할 시기인 20대에 취업준비를 위한 스
펙쌓기에 20대를 소진; ‘연애’도 하나의 능력으로 보고 연애강의 환영

▶ 독특한 서비스와 신속성을 제공하는 중매사업 부상함.
- 초고속 데이트
- 가상 데이트
- 오프라인 만남도 점차 전문화됨. ex) 각종 이벤트 혹은 가상의 연인을 대여하는 방식.

▶ 낭만 카운슬링

- 사랑이 개인화되고, 규정과 의무에 따른 구속이 상대적으로 약화됨.
- 현대의 개인은 완벽한 관계를 통해 자신을 규정하고 사랑의 발전을 돕고
자 함. ⇨전문적 카운슬링의 필요성이 증대됨.
Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

■ 친구와 애인은 어떻게 구별하는가?
■ Davis(1985)

▫ 사랑과 우정은 기본적으로 비슷한 속성을 지니고 있다

즐거움, 상호호혜, 존중, 신뢰,
이해, 속마음 털어놓기

열정, 돌보는 태도


■ ’sex friend’ , ‘date friend’ : 성≠사랑
▶ 성의 본질에 대한 시각은 급격한 변화를 겪어옴.
1950년대 : ‘증기기관 이론’이 지배적임.
남성의 욕구는 정기적으로 해결해주어야 하며, 섹스는 결혼의 의무일 뿐임.
1960년대 : 자유연애를 찬양하며 많은 것을 바꾸어놓음.
1970년대 : 여성의 오르가슴이 남성의 욕구 해소와 비슷한 수준의 권리를 갖게 됨.
행복한 관계는 침대에서 이루어지며, 동시 오르가슴이 최고 계명이 됨.
오늘날 : 순수한 욕구로서의 섹스는 개별적으로 사용가능한 자기 정체성이 됨.
욕망과 사랑은 동일시되지 않으며, 어디를 가나 섹스가 존재함.
Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

■ Dating에 있어 성 각본(Sexual Script)

■ 성 각본
▫ 성적 각성과 반응이 언제, 어떻게, 누구와, 왜, 어디서
나타나야 하는가에 대한 규정
• 누구와 성행위를 할 것인가? (파트너의 연령, 성별, 자기/ 타인 등)
• 어떠한 성행위를 받아들일 수 있는가? (혼자, 반드시 파트너와 함께)
• 파트너와 어느 정도 헌신하는 관계에서 성행위를 할 것인가?
• 언제 성행위를 할 것인가? (성행위의 적절한 연령, 타이밍 등)
• 어디에서 성행위를 하는 것이 적절할 것인가?
• 왜 성행위를 한다고 설명할 것인가?(쾌락/ 자녀 출산)

▫ 문화, 하위문화, 집단, 또는 커플내 규정

Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

■ Dating에 있어 성 각본(Sexual Script)
■ 성적 표준과 실제 성행위는 서로 다르게 나타남
■ 성적 허용도나 경험은 관계의 발전과정과 속도에 영향을 미침
▫ 서로에 대한 선호도와 매력에 영향을 미침
▫ 관계에서의 성 행동에도 영향을 미침
■ 첫경험과 커플관계
▫ 커플들의 관계에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 중요한 전환점
▫ 책임감을 더 증가시키는 결과를 가져올 수 있음

Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

■ Dating에 있어 성 각본(Sexual Script)
■ 첫 경험

■ 커플의 첫경험에 영향을 미치는 요인(Christopher & Cate, 1985)

긍정적 감정/의사소통 (예, 상대방에 대한 사랑)
각성/감수성 (예, 성 관계 직전의 신체적 각성상태)
의무와 압력 (예, 성 관계를 가지자는 상대방의 압력)
주변의 정황 (예, 술을 마신 정도)

▫ 여성은 긍정적 감정/의사소통 차원이,
남성은 의무/압력이 더 중요

▫ 성적 경험이 없는 경우
감정/의사소통을 특히 중요하게 평가하고,
성적 경험이 많은 대상자들은
각성/감수성 요인을 더 중요하게 평가
Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

■ Dating에 있어 성 각본(Sexual Script)
■ 혼전 성관계
■ 혼전 성관계의 기준은 역사적으로 절대 금기에서 허용적
으로 변화해왔으나, 이중적 기준은 변하지 않았음
▫ 절대금지: 남녀 모두에게 절대적으로 금지
▫ 애정을 조건으로 한 허용
▫ 애정과 무관한 허용
▫ 이중적 기준: 남자에게는 허용, 여자에게는 금기
남성은 내적욕구와 충동에서 여성과 다르다는
믿음에 근거

■ 사회가 성행위를 통제할 때 가족(결혼)이 큰 역할을 함

Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

■ 친밀한 관계에서 성은 어떻게 거래되는가?
■ 혼인빙자간음죄 헌재 위헌 결정(2009.11.26)
- 형법 제304조: 혼인을 빙자하거나 기타 위계로써 음행의 상습 없는
부녀를 기망하여 간음한 자는 2년 이하의 징역 또는 5백만 원 이하
의 벌금에 처한다.
 ‘순결’, ‘처녀성’의 숭배
 섹스를 교환가능한 자원으로 의미화 하는 여성 존재
■ 사회교환이론 (Social Exchange Theory of Sex)

사회 교환 이론은 수요와 공급의 법칙이 사회 행동을 규정.
 Baumeister, Tice(2000)
 성은 여자가 남자에게 주는 자원이라고 주장.
즉, 남자는 성 관계에 대해 강한 욕망을 가지고 있고,

여자는 남자가 그것을 쟁취할 수 있는 기회를 통제함.
 남자는 성 관계를 위해 여자에게 다른 자원을 제공해야 함.
Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

■ 사회교환이론 (Social Exchange Theory of Sex)
 여성이 성 관계와 교환하기 원하는 것은 무엇인가?

금전전인 보상, 사회적 위치, 존경, 상위 계층의 사람들과의 교류 등

남성의 헌신
 남자가 여성에게 성 관계에 대한 교환의 의미로 제공할 수 있는

중요한 요소결혼으로 이어짐
(규칙적인 성관계  소유, 주택, 소득 등)
 여성이 성 관계를 통해 포기하는 것은?

여성이 쉽게 자주 성을 제공할 때 마다 그 가치는 하락

여성이 성 관계에 대해 높은 가격을 요구할 수 있는 능력은 한정적임

여성의 성적 매력은 시간적으로도 한정되어 있음
Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

■ 성적 공간


결혼  사회적으로 성을 규제하는
중요한 장치; 공식적, 합법적인 성


성에 대한 사회적 규제를 벗어나는

일종의 해방공간; 사회적으로 인정
받는 성관계를 가질 수 없는 사람
들끼리의 성행위를 갖는 곳

Prof. Seo Sun Young

Sexuality and Culture

■ 성적 공간
1990년대 도심 외곽의 러브모텔

2000년대 중반 도심의 모텔

섹스의 탈일상화, 초현실화

놀이와 쾌락의 공간,
숙(宿), 식(食), 성(性), 유(遊)가
결합된 공간으로 재구성

“우리의 삶을 어떻게 살아야 하는가,
가족구조와 성규범의 괴리

또 우리가 자신의 육체를 어떻게

가족중심주의적 섹스

즐기고 거절해야 하는지를 둘러싸고

청교도주의의 가치관

끊임없이 변화하는 우리 자신의
관점의 역사”

Prof. Seo Sun Young

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Rosa Parks

...Rosa Parks and segregation In the sixties there was a lot of segregation in America. A lot of people fought against that, one of them was Rosa Parks. In America the black and whites, there was bus seats for blacks and bus seats for white, they were separated in everything, schools, water fountains for blacks and whites and so on. Rosa Parks became famous for refusing to obey bus driver James Blake’s order that she give up her seat to make room for a white passenger. This action off civil disobedience started Montgomery bus boycott, whitch is one of the largest movements against racial segregation. Another time she was told to go out of the bus to enter the backdoor, because blacks couldn’t enter the front doors in the busses. The time when she didn’t wanted to give up her seat she was arrested. The bus was split in two, the back seats was for blacks, but if a white guy was standing the black had to give up his seat. Rosa was not young at the time, so when the bus driver said that she had to give up her seat she refused and the bus driver called the police and she got arrested the 1st 1955. Rosa Parks once said about the segregation and the arrest. “I did not want to be mistreated, I did not want to be deprived of a seat that I had paid for. It was just time… there was opportunity for me to take a stand to express the way I felt about being treated in that manner. I had not planned to get arrested. I had plenty to do without having to end up in jail. But when I had...

Words: 334 - Pages: 2

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Fenway Park

...“Fenway Park” It is the bottom of the eighth inning and the Red Sox are down five runs to one run. David Ortiz steps to the plate and with one swing hits a grand-slam. Fenway Park erupted with cheer. As I looked around at the crowd celebrating, I began to admire Fenway Park. It was chockfull of banners and memorabilia. Fenway Park appeared simple in architectural design, but little did I know how much history existed here. In today's society some of the best things are ones that change little and remain basically the same as they have for decades. Fenway Park is an example of this as the Boston Red Sox have remained committed to staying at this classic ballpark that they have called home since 1912. It is the oldest major league ballpark in use and still retains the same feel and characteristics as it did when it opened on April 20th 1912. Newspaper coverage of the opening was overshadowed by continuing coverage of the Titanic sinking a few days earlier (National Geographic 2010). On March 7, 2012, the park was added to the National Register of Historic Places. The park is considered to be one of the most well-known sports venues in the world. (BCC 2010). The park's address was originally 24 Jersey Street. In 1977, the section of Jersey Street nearest the park was renamed Yawkey Way in honor of longtime Red Sox owner Tom Yawkey. The park's address is now 4 Yawkey Way. The Red Sox moved to Fenway Park from the old Huntington Avenue Baseball Grounds. In 1911, owner...

Words: 1510 - Pages: 7

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Gordon Parks

...GORDON PARKS November 30, 1912 – March 7, 2006 Gordon Parks was a man with many talents that lead him to be one of the great leaders of his time. Parks was a composer, writer, director and photographer. Gordon Parks grew up in Fort Scott, Kansas on a farm where his father Jackson, was a vegetable farmer. In Kansas parks was right in the middle of segregation. He went to schools where he was not allowed to participate in any activities in school due to the color of his skin. Teachers back then discouraged blacks from seeking any form of higher education. This was a major factor for Parks determination. Parks was known for many things but maybe one of his most significant accomplishments is being the first Black filmmaker to direct a studio picture in Hollywood. His first film, The Lending Tree, which was based on his life in Kansas, was a success. When he was first approached about doing the movie the producers asked if he could change the characters to whites. Parks refused and shot the film like he wanted. His biggest and most known film was his second, Shaft. This iconic movie broke color barriers. Parks filmed several other movies before leaving Hollywood and focusing on movies made for television. Before making the jump to Hollywood Parks worked for Life Magazine. The largest publication of the time. He was brought on as freelance reporter. His access to the inner city of Harlem made him a great assest for the magazine. Parks was able to show the...

Words: 323 - Pages: 2

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South Park

...South Park The Beginning The first time the four main characters of South Park, four boys named Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman, appeared in a video clip, was when Trey Parker and Matt Stone made “The Spirit of Christmas: Jesus vs. Frosty” (1992). In this short video clip, the boys already looked a lot like the characters they would create to make South Park, the one difference being that Cartman was called Kenny at that time and Kenny had no name. When Brian Graden, Fox network executive, saw this clip, he commissioned Parker and Stone to make a second one as an animated Christmas Card. This time it was called “The Spirit of Christmas: Jesus vs. Santa Claus” (1995) in which Jesus and Santa Claus fight over the meaning of Christmas. This animated short was widespread throughout Hollywood and the internet and became such a success that the duo was offered the possibility of developing it into a series. Given that Fox did not want to distribute it because of the presence of Mr. Hankey, a talking piece of feces, Comedy Central picked up the offer. The very first episode called “Cartman gets an anal probe” was aired on August 13, 1997. Ownership and Market Today, the show is still aired on Comedy Central. This channel however, has gone through a number of ownerships since South Park’s first episode made it to the screen. When the channel was first created, it was owned by Time Warner, the same company that owns HBO, a well known premium cable television network, and called The Comedy...

Words: 3264 - Pages: 14

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Linkin Park

...Linkin Park is an American rock band from Agoura Hills, California. Formed in 1996, the band rose to international fame with their debut album Hybrid Theory, which was certified Diamond by the RIAA in 2005 and multi-platinum in several other countries.[1] Their following studio album Meteora, continued the band's success, topping the Billboard 200 album chart in 2003, and was followed by extensive touring and charity work around the world.[2] In 2003, MTV2 named Linkin Park the sixth-greatest band of the music video era and the third-best of the new millennium.[3] Billboard ranked Linkin Park No. 19 on the Best Artists of the Decade chart.[4] The band was recently voted as the greatest artist of '00s in a Bracket Madness poll on VH1.[5] Having adapted nu metal and rap metal to a radio-friendly yet densely layered style in Hybrid Theory and Meteora,[6][7][8] the band explored other genres in their next studio album Minutes to Midnight (2007).[9][10] The album topped the Billboard charts and had the third-best debut week of any album that year.[11][12] The band continued to explore a wider variation of musical types in their fourth album A Thousand Suns (2010), layering their music with more electronic sounds and beats. Their most recent work Living Things (2012) combines musical elements from all of their previous records. The band has collaborated with several other artists, most notably with rapper Jay-Z in their mashup EP Collision Course, and many others on Reanimation.[7]...

Words: 279 - Pages: 2

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Central Park

...Central Park Central Park, located in New York City is a public park designed for people to enjoy sightseeing, tours, exercising, or just plain relaxing. It is an attraction sight for many tourists as well as New Yorkers. According to the book “Central Park, An American Masterpiece” by Sara Cedar Miller, the eight hundred and forty three acres of land began construction in 1857 and won the title of being a National Historic Landmark since 1962. The park which is located in the center of Manhattan, starts from 59th street and extends all the way to 110th street. Based on Miller’s assertions, Central Park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, after he won a park design contest. Olmsted also received help from Calvert Vaux, who was an architect. When the first landscaped public park in the United States was initially created, it was an attraction for wealthy people; however, after the park’s decline, and post adding more attraction sites, the park became less elite. As a result, it became a place for everyone from tourists to residents all over New York. Frederick Law Olmsted is best known for creating Manhattan's Central Park with the help of architecture Calvert Vaux, according to Scott Kirkwood, author of “The Lay of the Land.” Kirkwood claims that Central Park gave Olmsted and Vaux an opportunity to use landscape design for a social purpose. He states, “The two believed that there is no beauty without utility and based their work on the "noble motive," which drove their...

Words: 1120 - Pages: 5

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Central Park

...Central Park Central Park was the first landscaped public park in the United States. Creating the park was intended for wealthy merchants and landowners. Just like the public grounds of London and Paris, it urged that New York needed a comparable facility to establish its international reputation. “In 1853 the state legislature authorized the City of New York to use the power of eminent domain to acquire more than 700 acres of land in the center of Manhattan.”1 During the nineteenth century the construction of Central Park was one of the most massive public works with over 20,000 workers on site. Through the years it has gone over countless facelifts and popularity the remarkable landmark has some breathtaking monuments and historic places in New York City. In Central Park there are plenty to see and do. “You'll come across historical buildings, statues, monuments, beautiful bridges, and of course plenty of nature.”2 Central Park Zoo,has exhibits divided into several regions such as a tropic zone and polar circle. Some of its popular attractions there include polar bears, snow leopards, red pandas and penguins. Just north of the Central Park Zoo is the Tisch Children's Zoo, where small children can see and touch domestic animals. Dairy, Victorian style cottage created in 1870. The picturesque building houses a Visitor Center where you can get maps, guides, gifts, and information on events that are planned in Central Park. There are a few...

Words: 461 - Pages: 2

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Fenway Park

...Fenway Park is home to the Boston Red Sox and is located in Boston, Massachusetts. It took about six months to build and opened on April 20, 1912. On the other hand, Wrigley Field is home to the Chicago Cubs and is located in Chicago, Illinois. Wrigley Field took only about a month to build and opened on April 23, 1914. Fenway Park and Wrigley Field are the two oldest baseball stadiums. They have both held many different events including championships, other sporting events, and concerts. Sports held at these stadiums include soccer, football, and hockey games. Wrigley has also held National Football League games where they let the Chicago Bears use their stadium from 1921 to 1970. Fenway, on the other hand, has held all three of the professional sports. It has hosted nineteen soccer matches, the last one being July 2010. Also, football games where the Boston Patriots of the American Football League played there from 1963-1968. Fenway has also held its first ever hockey game in 2010, hosting The Winter Classic where the Boston Bruins played the Philadelphia Flyers. Not only have these stadiums held sporting events they have also held World Series Championships. Back in the early 1900’s, the Cubs were a very talented team. Wrigley Field has not held a World Series Championship since the Cubs had won back to back in 1907 and again in 1908. On the other hand, Fenway Park has held several World Series playoff games, seven to be exact with the most recent being held in 2007. So over...

Words: 636 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Rosa Parks

...Rosa Parks And The Segregation Rosa Park’s action started the biggest anti-segregation movement in US. A Michigan museum recently paid $492,000 for an old, dilapidated bus from Montgomery, Alabama. The old bus was reported to be the same one that Rosa Parks sat on and which action sparked the civil rights movement in the America. She refused to give her seating place to a white man. In the 60’s in the United States, white people had the priority in buses for seats over black people. Everything was segregated at this time: schools, churches, restaurants, bars … It was the period of the an important differentiation between black people and white people. In refusing to surrender her seat to a white man, Rosa inspired a courageous freedom movement that lives on, even today. It took incredible courage for an African American woman to make such a bold stance in 1955 Alabama. This act took place in an era when African Americans could be arrested and face severe retribution for committing the most trivial acts of defiance. White people were racist with black people as they did what they could to make them go to jail or show them the white men’s superiority. Colored people could not have important jobs in the country like being a judge or a governor. Since the Civil War, many people thought black people still as slaves and inferior people only because of their skin color. This state of mind was transmitted from generation to another and it still remains, but latter...

Words: 350 - Pages: 2