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Past and Present


Submitted By karissabyrd1
Words 608
Pages 3
On April 5th, 1994 Sherrie Byrd gave birth to her daughter, I Karissa Byrd. I have one older brother and one younger bother. Since we all grew up on Staten Island, which is geographically a small place to live with not much to do quite often we had to become creative and come up with our own amusement. Since the odds were against me with very few neighbors or friends, I often looked to my brothers for fun.There are days I remember riding my bike across the bridge to New Jersey, making up our own games and exploring Staten Island. I was a very curious kid while growing up and, I always wanted to know how you got to the other boroughs. Due to my interest I ventured off and soon discovered how to get to Manhattan. There is where I was shocked to see the breath taken buildings and beautiful scenery, not to mention the thousands of people. When I wasn’t exploring NYC I was exploring the world with my family, we often visited Florida, North Carolina and the cayman island, To see my distant family. My childhood was very different from many, it was mostly spent traveling and understanding the different parts of the world. Currently I am a freshman at ASA College in Brooklyn NY. I chose criminal Justice for the purpose that I've always been interested in society and how it is structured. I also choose criminal justice for the fact that I will be qualified for a number of possible rewarding careers in this field. In addition to school, I'm also trying to maintain my occupation as a security officer. I was drawn to the fact that my duties as a security officer will be to protect property, assets, or people. I'm grateful for this occupation because, it guided me on the right path. I have learned that trying to excel in both work and school is much more difficult than I anticipated. Since i attend school in Brooklyn, but work in Manhattan and live on Staten Island it makes it nearly impossible to have time for my studies. I was left with only one choice, I had to quit my job in order to become more successful in life. This was one of the most difficult choices I have yet to come across, but I understand the important for an education .

Most people will say I don’t know what the future holds for me or where I will be in the next 10 years. For me, that’s different I know what my future holds for me and where I will be. Some people may say how are sure sure of this, and my answer is because I have goals and dreams I wish to accomplish. One of my future goals is to graduate from ASA college and continue my education at John Jay college. I will love to be apart of their excelling criminal justice Crime Control and Prevention program. In order to reacher this goal I understand that I need to excel in my current academics. In addition to my future goals above, I would like to become a part of the elite force known as the NYPD. Further into my my career, I will like to go on to perform specialized tactics in high-risk operations. Another one of my set goals is to eventually relocate from Staten island into the city or to another state, I feel as if it would be better for my future and career. Overall I believe I will become very successful in my future, but it all starts here at ASA college .

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