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Patty Hearst Stockholm Syndrome Case

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“I finally figured out what my crime was. I lived. Big mistake.” February 4, 1974 a 19-year-old girl was kidnapped, raped, and abused. Is it fair that she served a two-year sentence? No, she didn’t choose what happened to her. She did not have a sane mind when she went out and robbed banks. Patty Hearst should have been found innocent due to insanity. Stockholm Syndrome is a serious problem, one that Patty Hearst was sent to jail for.
Patty Hearst had been a sophomore attending Berkeley in February 4,1974, when a group of people knocked on her door and kidnapped her. They put her in the back of their trunk and drove off. She was kidnapped by a terrorist group called Symbionese Liberation Army, in order for them to receive attention. SLA was …show more content…
Hearst was then seen participating in SLA bank robberies. Patty was in charge of providing cover to her associates, while she told onlookers what to do. In order to make sure no one tried to resist, she carried an assault rifle with her. Patty claimed that she was doing all this with her own free will. However, how can someone who was kidnapped and tortured for several months know right from wrong?
The FBI sent out a massive search in order to find and stop SLA. The FBI stopped them when they were caught stealing ammunition. It ended in a shootout and 6 dead SLA members. Patty fled, but the FBI found her and charged her with multiple crimes. Patty was sentenced to seven years in prison. Patty only ended up serving 2 years when she was pardoned by Bill Clinton.
Is two years honestly a justifiable sentence? Patty lost the life she could have had, if she had not been kidnapped. “Even to me, as I was trying to tell the government what had happened, it just didn’t seem to matter.” Patty did what she had to so that she wouldn't die. She should not have been charged, due to her insanity. Patty was brainwashed and tortured which is why she acted the way she did. Is trying to stay alive a criminal

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