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Peer Pressure


Submitted By nancyyy
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Peer Pressure and Alcohol and Drug Use Amongst College Students
Growing up children are influenced more and more by the world outside their home and by their friends, teachers and other people they meet.
I can still remember me in high school where I could not wait to become 18, independent and start living on my own. I thought that becoming legally of age and being able to have your own place, go buy alcohol or go to a bar would change my life. Did it? Of course not but I know that a lot of people think just the way I did back then. I always liked to have fun and go to parties and my parents would always let me just because they knew I would not do anything stupid and by “stupid” I mean drinking huge amounts of alcohol or doing drugs. To be honest I personally dislike alcohol but I can still remember partying with my friends from high school who would intend on me drinking. Whenever I said “no” they would give me labels and would not consider me cool anymore. Not that I care but now as a college student I can openly say that peer pressure is a part of our everyday lives. We go to a new place wanting to make new friends and simply fit in. We do things to be “cool” and impress our peers. Most of the times though we do not do good things to impress people around us but act stupidly to catch their attention. A lot of high school students picture college as a huge party with mass amounts of alcohol and drugs. They believe that if there ever is a time to drink irresponsibly in your life, it should be in college. I say that because I have met people who are just like the ones I have described and of course I can refer to my former classmates from high school, who by going to college became different people. Peer pressure has a very strong influence on young people’s decisions.
It is said that in the United Stated, over 80% of students who are in college have at least one alcoholic drink over a two week time period (Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman, & Schulenberg, 2009). 40% of these college students are binge drinking which means they have four drinks or more occasionally. The amount of students who binge-drink surpasses the rate of their non-college peers. The finding of the research suggests that this difference between people who are and are not in college is in big amount due to the college environment (Johnston et al., 2009). For a lot of young people college years are the beginning of a new life, we are independent, free, far from our parents and we are surrounded with people just like us. We are trying to adapt to the college lifestyle and peer pressure is something we are exposed to. College environment is different than the one we have been exposed and used to before. During college years you meet a lot of individuals who are most likely different from you, come from various places, have another background, culture and habits. People we encounter at that particular moment of our live may in some way pressure us to engage in things we may or may not want to engage in. All of us have been offered alcohol even if under age and all of us have heard that getting drunk or trying drugs can relieve stress and make us feel better. As a senior of psychology major I can say for sure that there are people who simply do not feel like drinking, but they do because that what their peers are doing. Coming from Europe with a totally different background, culture, and baggage of experience I can personally say how hard the beginning was here in the US. I caught myself acting in a different manner than I would normally do back home. I felt the pressure of fitting into “American college lifestyle” and mixing with others. I even felt that I should change the way I dress not to look “that European” and blend in with the environment.
Having said all that I would like to put everything to a theory of symbolic interactionism, which is “based on individuals and their own construction of identity that takes place in small groups and organizations.” Basically this theory views “society as a product of everyday social interactions of individuals”. My point is that people learn things from the different groups they collaborate with so if drinking alcohol is an acceptable norm amongst college students then they are more likely to do so. We do what is acceptable in that particular environment and learn from those who have been in the group before. The people we encounter and with whom more or les we associate with are of utmost importance. The more you are into relationship with people within a certain group the more likely you are to be influenced.
Peer pressure is something most of us will have to deal with for the rest of our lives. There are people just like me who simply do not care what others think of me and cannot be easily influenced and there are people who “die” to fit it. Of course most of us are exposed to high-risk behaviors during college years but the choice is always ours. Growing up we, and our behavior are influenced more and more by different things and not only our home. We meet new people, we grow older, we change. Especially during college life, when you begin new life and the peer pressure may become stronger than it ever was it is important not to easily get influenced by the environment surrounding you. The choice of how much we want to adapt to college lifestyle and impress people around us is ours. If someone thinks that drinking will make him cooler is wrong but still we can either let those influences alter who we are or we can learn from other people’s decisions and a stronger definition of ourselves.

1. Josephine M. Palmeri. 2013. Peer Pressure and Alcohol Use amongst College Students. In Peer Pressure and Alcohol Use amongst College Students section number 1 and 2. Retrieved from
2. Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2009). Monitoring the future national survey results on drug use, 1975–2008: Volume II, college students and adults ages 19–50 (NIH Publication No. 09-7403). Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Retrieved from /vol2_ 2008.pdf.
3. 2013. Symbolic Interactionist Perspective. In Symbolic Interactionist Perspective paragraph number 1 and 2; theory retrieved from:

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