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Performance Appraisal System


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Employee Training and Development
The performance Appraisal System (Case Study)
Prepared By: Khaled Mohamed Amer
Date: December 19, 2014

Case Overview:
James karter is a new employee in the training and development department of Yarra Bank. James was shocked by an unprofessional & unfair way of appraisal by his manager, Henry Austin who is known of his autocracy and decisions imposition exploiting his 34 years service and experience in Yarra bank to impose his opinions and decisions without referring to any standards and conditions that determine the appraisal regulations that assigned to be practiced by both managers and employees, and that might have negative effect on the employees particularly and the organization performance generally.
Before getting deep into the case discussion, we must take into consideration that James Karter as a new comer must have been informed on his first days in Yarra bank by all job details starting from duties and responsibilities ending by performance appraisal basis and what will be his criteria of evaluation either trait appraisals or behavioral appraisals or results/outcomes appraisals that could protect him from facing that shocking situation.

Case Analysis & Possible Solutions:
James team (training and development team) will be responsible for solving this issue and don't give up for this negative situation all of the past years taking into consideration the organization interests and when we are talking about an organization interests we should not differentiate between a manager and his subordinate, both are subjected to be wrong and both must be assigned to be evaluated and adjust their way of management to cope with the organization interests and needs for higher productivity.
But this mission will enquire patience, perseverance and presentable introduction for the alternatives given that their

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