Premium Essay

Performance Hrm590


Submitted By joyannroar
Words 1507
Pages 7
Recruitment Plan
Human Resource Receptionist Job Ad

Published Date: August 12th, 2012

Industry: Outsourcing Enterprise
Location: Harlem, NY, 10027, USA
Employer: J&C Call Center

Title: Human Resource Receptionist
Location: Harlem, NY
Salary: $10 - $12 per hour

A receptionist is part of the core foundation of the company because they are first person a client and/or potential employee may meet. It’s important that HR receptionist is pleasant, polite and friendly, and he/she must understand the facility bylaws and their daily duties such as supporting the administration office and human resource department as needed. The Human Receptionist duties may include assignments such as preparation of recruitment files and miscellaneous HR reports.
Additionally, the day to day responsibilities includes greeting and screening visitors and directs them to appropriate individuals in a timely fashion. Also, answering of incoming calls, clerical duties such as filing and running errands to ensure the company is organize and operates at its best potential.
An ideal candidate must be proficient in Microsoft Excel. He/she must have excellent written and communication skills with at least 2 to 3 experience as receptionist, and being able to work with minimum supervision.
Employee Relations:
 Assist the managers and supervisor verifying information on an employee’s file such as disciplinary letters
 Assist the recruiter preparing files for new hires
 Providing general information such as amount of vacations and sick days allotted per associate

Data Management:
 Preparing and print specific documents as needed such as sign-up sheets, employee’s general data sheet
 Produce copies of versed guidelines of company and bus schedules
Required Skills:
 High School Diploma required, Bachelor degree preferred
 Experience with multi-line

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