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Personal Narrative: Alice

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We all want to help people. It feels good to make others feel good. Every few weeks, I enjoy going to downtown Kansas City with my youth group and passing out things like water, sandwiches, and clean clothing to people who are living on the streets. We get to know some of the people we meet, and sometimes make special stops to see them. A few years ago, I met a woman named Alice.
We started to see Alice more and more often when we went on these outings, and we got to know her better with each trip. She had grown up in Chicago, and when she was 17, she came out to her family as transgender. They kicked her out of her home and unable to afford college, she was left with a job making minimum wage and nowhere to stay. when she was in her twenties, she ended up in Kansas City and had been staying in an abandoned building. We knew that the …show more content…
When someone you care about passes away, it hurts, but when you don’t know whether they’re dead or alive, it consumes you. Finding out that alice was okay lifted a massive weight off of all of our shoulders. None of us will ever forget that moment.
We all went out for lunch at D’Bronx Pizza. Alice told us about where she had been, and we all marveled at her wonderful story. She had been staying with a cousin whom she had managed to get in contact with. She had spent the time getting back on her feet working at a small local hair salon. The euphoria we all felt when once we knew she was safe was unforgettable.
Now, Alice is staying in an apartment with her new boyfriend, and has her own beauty parlor. Sometimes, she comes our church on Sundays to see how we’re doing. Alice is proof of the miracles of life. No matter what happened to Alice, she always had a positive outlook, and that view got her to where she is now. My friends and I have all decided to take a page out of Alice's book, And live life like nothing can ever hurt

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