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Personal Narrative Essay: Muffin's Life

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It was just a regular Sunday afternoon for Muffin the monarch of the Grayson household. With her jet black fur shining in the afternoon sun she was perched precariously atop her pink play structure. She spent most of her days up there surveying her domain and all of her subjects. Muffin was an indoor cat but she always wanted to explore the strange world beyond her suburban kingdom. On occasion when her humans would go out in the back yard she would accompany them but this little taste of the outdoors did little to satisfy her hunger for freedom on account she was always ensnared by the grip of her little purple leash. But the day finally came when muffin had her chance at freedom.
I was mid-July when her people left for their yearly trip …show more content…
As they moved farther along they started to hear a noise like a constant drawn out roar, they had reached the road. There the pair saw a shocking sight that would derail their search and change Jamie’s life forever. There in the middle of the road lying cold and lifeless was Jamie’s mother. This sent Jamie into a tail spin, saddened and dismayed, Jamie ran off back into the woods. Muffin, realizing what happened tried to follow her new friend through the thick brush but to no avail. The little black cat just couldn’t keep up with the long legs of the agile fawn. Desperate to find her friend muffin climbs the nearest tree to get a better vantage point but the forest was too dense to see more than a few feet beyond her …show more content…
I have no one else, my mom is gone and I can’t survive out here by myself out here.”
“That’s not true you have me. And I know where to get you the help that you need.”
“Okay, I trust you lead the way.”
The pair got up and started moving toward the edge of the forest. As Jamie struggled muffin was right there to help her to keep moving and eventually they reached the place where the trees stopped and the houses started. “I’ve never been out of the forest before” Jamie exclaimed.
“You don’t have to worry I know where I’m going and I know that they will take care of you there.”
“Okay I trust you.”
The pair keeps moving and thankfully not running into any humans or animals on the way. The pair finally reaches a familiar place its Muffin’s house. She goes up to the door and starts to scratch hopping with all of her heart someone is home and to her surprise some one answers, it’s her people! Shocked at the sight the Grayson’s bring Muffin and Jamie inside. Since Jacob Grayson works as a vet he starts to disinfect and stitch up Jamie’s

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