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Personal Narrative: Ho-Olaule

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Every year at Kamehameha we hold the ATP Ho`olaule`a. I always look forward to this because of the engaging activities and bonding done with my clubs. Aside from working with the 2016 class booth, I help with the Orchestra booth. Orchestra always gets the supply tent, so it turns out to be a fair amount of manual labor. I am always busy during Ho`olaule`a because after helping the supply tent in the morning, I have to meet up with the Kamehameha Dance Company and get ready to perform. Then it is usually back to help my booths again. Though I am busy I still believe that Ho`olaule`a is fun and creates time to bond with my class and people in my clubs.
I am thankful for Ho`olaule`a and thankful that Kamehameha has given me the tools needed for …show more content…
I honestly never really knew that I was doing things that were called "community service," all I knew was that I was helping others or helping the land. I have never seen participation in my community as a burden because it would always benefit my character. Through Surfing the Nations and the Petco adoptions, I was able to receive smiles and thank you I never expected. Always after finishing a land clean up, there was a physical difference, even if you only did a little. I have learned that community service is never for me, but in the end I do get something out of it. I improve my character and receive happiness knowing that others are …show more content…
In 10-15 years I hope to be helping the Hawaiian people. I have yet to officially pick a major and my interest are subject to change. The promise I am making to come back is what gives me the basics to a major or minor. This past summer I went to China with the Kamehameha GPS Program. Thanks to my AP United States History teacher, Mrs. Razee, I was motivated to look into the program. The GPS program was fitted to me because I was interested in studying abroad and possibly International Relations. It was a risk for me because I found the trip last minute, and my parents weren't sure we could even come up with the money. To summarize; the program was a trip to Beijing, China where students from Hawaii, Mexico, and China would be exposed each other’s cultures. At the same time, we would be introduced to companies and landmarks in China. Since the college that housed the program had a focus in finance and economics, we visited and had visits from many companies. The lectures from the different companies representatives opened my mind to even more opportunities. International business became a very possible career choice. To think I could bring together cultures and fix differences is the kind of job I would really enjoy. I never knew that a simple trip to China could open my eyes to many new careers like history, finance, economics, and

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