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Personal Narrative: Moving To California

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I was running, I could taste the sweat on my lips. I looked back and saw at least 3 cops chasing me. I decided to jump a fence and try to lose them. “Oh, hi there, Im mathew”. “ you're probably wondering why I'm running from the cops”. “ Let me start from the beginning”. I was born in Tampa, Florida. My dad lived with us for a while till he moved out. He was my hero and my best friend. He moved to Columbus, Ohio. After my dad left I became a trouble maker, I was getting kicked out of schools left and right. My mom finally decided to move to California to start a new life. My new school sucked, all the kids were dumb. I started seeing that the school was for me. The kids were always getting into trouble. I saw graffiti everywhere in

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Wife by Bharathi Mukherjee

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