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Personal Narrative: My Family And I Are Moving To America

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My family and I are moving to the Americas because we used to have a terrible life in Asia. I have yet to wonder or what to expect once we arrive. Although my stomach has intertwined and I am uncertain what lies ahead, for my future and my parents in America. My mind is petrified and I am too, but my heart is warm and I feel as if things will be different but conventional and abundant. I am now in America; however, in my heart I am at my roots, Asia. I am anxious to meet someone who will love me for who I am and not for where I am coming from, to be given that feeling where I feel like home.
I am not aware of these American people, nor did I expect to be. My eyes deceive my mind, I have arrived at a community where I am surrounded by mindful people. In a moment as I was processing what will be my new world for as long I live; in the hope that these people will accept me. One afternoon after the day we arrived, I was walking past a crowd of people. I caught a glimpse of a beautiful man, whose name I would like to know. From his gorgeous light brown hair to deep blue eyes, and skin almost the color of pearl. He really caught my attention to the point where I thought of him every minute. I would never imagine myself with a white man whose complexion is …show more content…
He practically swept me off my feet, but my father did not approve the idea of me loving a man of another race. Since that day my life changed completely forever, and I will never love the same way again.
I am an outcast. I am living in a country that is not mine. A ground that I have not ventured; I will be digging and running and breathing on it. I will see the man I loved who I now fear of not knowing who he is; however, he will be in my daily routine. Wherever I go he will be watching me, and I will be watching him. It will haunt me and it will haunt him knowing that we could not be

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