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Personal Narrative: The Story Of A One Star Dragon

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Ever since my parents died I've been alone, I'm not sure how my father died... but I know how my mother died. As far as I know my father did something wrong which caused the villagers to hate us, so much so that one day a group of teenagers surrounded us and started beating my mother. I was only 4 at the time. She shielded me with her body, I still remember them laughing while they continue beating her. They skin on my face, arms, and legs were chafed off as we were kicked over and over again causing as to slide on the paving. While I was screaming and crying an adult finally came over only to laugh and say "That is probably enough... for today anyway."

After another couple of kicks and one spitting on us they left. I crawled out from underneath my mother only to be …show more content…
"I...I...I...can explain... his father killed a dragonling and was promptly killed by the rest of the hunting group, my grandson was the one that struck him down. He didn't want to waste the dragon corpse and considering that the dragonling core's affinity matched my grandson's he consumed it and managed to breakthrough, becoming a 1 star champion! He is very talented."

The warrior rankings are 1-3 star apprentice, 1-3 star journeyman, and 1-3 star champion. Once one breaks through 3-star champion rank you achieve immortality.

What sets magical beasts apart from sentient races is that they have magical cores instead of dantians. When they die cultivators can harvest the cores and use it in various ways, one way is to directly consume it increasing your chances of breaking through... at the cost of making future progress more difficult.

I growl as I listen to this obvious bullshit, "I wanted to know why this child hasn't been afforded the opportunity to cultivate but since you want to delve into past matters I shall oblige, SHEN!" he pales upon hearing the final word I called

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