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Persuasive Essay On Water Flosser

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You don't want to leave your toothbrush or water flosser behind when you go on vacation. That's also true if you are on the road for work trips. Good oral hygiene happens every single day.

Any time that you don't brush or floss regularly is a day that leads you closer to a bad dental visit. Gingivitis, gum issues, and sensitivity are all issues that can be avoided by brushing and flossing every day.

Universal Voltage

Most flossers have one voltage for use in North America. Others will have a universal voltage, so everyone around the world can enjoy water flossing. Look for flossers with a universal voltage if you want to travel with your flosser.

If you're going on vacation, you don't want to leave your great oral hygiene behind. Even a few weeks without your flosser can result in …show more content…
You'll be using this flosser each day for at least 90 seconds. You want it to be comfortable. There's a lot of pressure coming

It should also have some kind of grip to keep it from falling out of your hand. It could break if it falls out of your hand too many times. The design will influence how often you use it, too. If it's uncomfortable, you'll be wasting your money and not getting any benefit.

History of the Oral Irrigator

The first irrigator was developed by a dentist. His name was Gerald Moyer. He worked with an engineer named John Mattingly in 1962. At the time, no one else had come up with a way to clean between teeth besides string floss.

The oral irrigator they invented ended up being the foundation for the company that would eventually be named Waterpik. It's still a popular company today in the world of oral hygiene.

Why You Need an Oral Irrigator for Braces

Braces are used to straighten teeth, but the brackets and wires can create problems with oral hygiene. Cleaning braces is hard since the hardware blocks the toothbrush's bristles and string

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