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Peter K


Submitted By Peterkara
Words 903
Pages 4
“There are two criticisms of London’s congestion charge that are so serious that it should be scrapped. The first is that driving a car is a necessity for most people: demand will be so inelastic that drivers will not alter their behavior. The second is that only people likely to be affected are low income drivers who have no choice but to travel by car.” Carefully evaluate this statement.

The criticism is that this charge will be made redundant as this charge will fail to reduce congestion by a significant amount and people will rather pay the charge than find an alternative form of transport. This lack of behavioral change indicates the charge doesn’t do what it’s set out to do, and the only real benefit is the revenue gained for TFL. Using the graph we can see demand is very inelastic and even an increase in price of the charge, from p1 to p2, will only reduce quantity from q1 to q2. This small reduce in quantity is the reason why this is a criticism as congestion will reduce by a relatively small percentage

The criticism is that this charge will be made redundant as this charge will fail to reduce congestion by a significant amount and people will rather pay the charge than find an alternative form of transport. This lack of behavioral change indicates the charge doesn’t do what it’s set out to do, and the only real benefit is the revenue gained for TFL. Using the graph we can see demand is very inelastic and even an increase in price of the charge, from p1 to p2, will only reduce quantity from q1 to q2. This small reduce in quantity is the reason why this is a criticism as congestion will reduce by a relatively small percentage

Introduced in 2003, the London congestion zones were implemented with the aim to reduce congestion in the streets of London, particularly central London. The two criticisms above question whether the enactment of a congestion

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