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Physician Assisted Suicide Analysis

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Imagine you are lying in a hospital bed hooked up to a countless amount of machines. The doctors have done everything they can and have told you that you have no chance of survival, now it’s just a matter of time before you make the final decision. It would only make sense to end the suffering, retain your dignity, and lessen the overall cost of your medical care and life support. Being able to choose what you do with your life, especially in a terminally ill state, should be a fundamental human right and a legal option for anyone around the globe.
One major benefit of physician-assisted suicide is that it ends suffering. According to "Doctor Assisted Suicide Pros and Cons List," as death nears, a lot of physical pain can occur from terminal …show more content…
According to “Doctor Assisted Suicide Pros and Cons List,” with of doctor-assisted suicide being legalized, patients have the means to choose their death in such a way that retains their dignity. Patients can opt to be surrounded by family and friends and enjoy their favorite music in their final moments. As stated in, (Doctor Assisted Suicide Pros and Cons List), many people feel like they are losing their dignity by having a disease gradually destroy them and ultimately kill them. With Physician-assisted suicide, terminally ill patients can leave the world knowing that it was their choice and not that of a disease. As a result, the terminally ill patients who chose this route will be able to die with their dignity (Doctor Assisted Suicide Pros and Cons …show more content…
According to “Doctor Assisted Suicide Pros and Cons List,” Drugs for assisted suicide are far less expensive than the cost of medical care. Physician-assisted suicide allows the government, as well as the family of patients who are suffering from serious illness, save their money by not having to pay outrageous hospital bills for life support (Doctor Assisted Suicide Pros and Cons List). Many families financially supporting a terminally ill patient have a difficult time getting by. Not to mention, hospital bills are immensely high and many families struggle to find the money to pay for them. Not having the funds to pay for hospital bills only makes the grief so much harder for the families of terminally ill patients. By making a choice to go with physician-assisted suicide, families will only have to make a one-time payment and will no longer receive hospital

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