Premium Essay



Submitted By antonio33
Words 1264
Pages 6
The Perfect Owner for the Popular Pit Bull I can still recall the graphic story my mother told me of how our family dog, a Jack Russell Terrier named Jack, was mauled and nearly killed by an American Pit Bull Terrier, or APBT. Its teeth pierced through Jack’s fragile neck missing the aorta by centimeters. After hearing that story, many people would say that pit bulls are ferocious and viscous. However, those same people do not know that the APBT’s owners were drug dealers and animal abusers, using their dog to fight for an underground drug ring. I strongly believe that if an owner trains his or her pit bull appropriately and effectively, it will not become the epitome of the public’s perception on the breed. There are a multitude of effective ingredients to training a pit bull. These include living in a proper environment with ample amounts of exercise, utilizing obedience techniques, and conducting appropriate socialization. Contrary to popular norms, one must not consider if a pit bull is the right dog for him or her, rather, the future owner must consider if he or she is the right owner for a pit bull. Environment is a key factor in deciding if a person is the perfect owner. Pit bulls need their space; therefore, if a potential owner lives in a small apartment, he or she might reconsider getting a pit bull. As a result of living in a small place, pit bulls will often feel overwhelmed and stressed. They will begin to destroy personal property, either by chewing on items or marking their territory. Along with the environment, one must consider how much time he or she will have daily to exercise an APBT. APBTs are known to be highly energetic. They must be exercised daily. Once again if pit bulls have a lack of exercise in their daily schedule, they will become disruptive and begin to chew whatever items are around. This is their way of showing their boredom.

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