Premium Essay

Pope Franci's View In The Film 'Pope Francis'

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The evidence in the film that validated Pope Franci’s view, can be seen in various clips throughout the film. In one scene Francis was in a basement and sympathizing with the poor, the amount of distress he felt towards them was very compelling and it was very easy to tell that he has a heart of gold and truly wants goodness for all. In the conversion scene, Francis says, “If the purpose of life is this loveless toil we fill our days with, then it is not for me. There must be something better.” In this scene it seems as if Francis is trying to find his purpose in life and he knows that he must do something different to find it He says he wants to be, “happy and free,” and that he wants to live in a world of harmony, this is what is the most …show more content…
This scene demonstrated the overwhelming simplicity there is for harmony and good is the world. He wants everyone to live in in peace and be just with one another. When Francesco talks about how he, “wants to be free like the birds in the sky,” it allowed me to let go of all my worries. I am really in amazement of the striking message this scene had.

Have you ever been moved like Pope Francis says Francesco was in Laudato Si’ (#87) to worship God in union with all creation? Describe the experience. Then read Francesco’s hymn, Canticle of All Creation, after which this encyclical is named (canticle found in #87) and explain which line is your favorite and why? (at least 100 words)

I don’t believe I have ever been as moved as Francesco has. However, going to church at a young age really helped me formulate my ideas about God. Therefore I have learned that even if I feel as if I am in this life alone, I soon realize that I am not and that God is there and he is more compassionate than anyone else in my life, which is very heartwarming to know. In the Pope Francis’s text, my favorite line reads, “Praised be you, my Lord, with all your creatures, especially Sir Brother Sun, who is the day and through whom you give us light.” This is my favorite line because it just reminds me to be thankful for the simple things in

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