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Submitted By masalising
Words 767
Pages 4
Information Technology Programme
Hospitality Management Programme


Assignment 1 – Semester 1, 2016

Due date: Wednesday 6 April 11:30 am

The Hard copy of your assignment must be handed personally by the group representative at Room AM29, Asquith Campus. The Soft copy of your assignment is to be uploaded as a word document attachment through the AIS ESS learning system from your student e-mail address. Likewise, forward also the same copy to Your soft copy must be sent as a word document and must also be identical to your hard copy. The name of the document should include your last name and student id number.

Late assignments will be penalized 5% per working day for four days and will receive zero after four days.

This assignment is worth 15% of the total marks
The aim of this assignment is to give students an opportunity to apply their knowledge about the Porter’s Five Forces, to a real life situation. Select an Auckland based IT or Hospitality Company (a real existing company) for your analysis. Discuss the application of Porter’s Five Forces and evaluate its usefulness in helping your chosen company understand how to compete. Use the following guidelines to ensure that you cover each part of your assignment.

* Assignments must have a cover (front page – AIS cover sheet) sheet which should include a title, the course name and number, student name and ID number in

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