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Submitted By EmmanAhams
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Pages 8
The aim of this assignment is to reflect on how the team presentation went, what the advantages and disadvantages were and how they were overcome. Also to look and compare different organisation techniques to the Greenwich Market and a fast-food restaurant and see what changes or suggestions could be made to the next academic year.

Theorist’s Positive Teachings
According to Gustafson and Kleiner (1994) “High performance teams work in organisations where staffs are just as responsible as managers for the performance of the team.”
Belbin’s team role theory states: “A team role is “a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way.”
Looking at these theories, it clearly states that working within a team, helps get the job done easier and quicker and you will be able to see different skills from the team members as you go along in the group exercise. To see the progress of the team, Belbin organised different team roles to describe the pattern of behaviour that characterises one person’s behaviour in relationship to another in facilitating the progress of a team. These are comprised of: * Action – oriented roles: Shaper, Implementer and Completer-Finisher * People – oriented roles: Coordinator, Team Worker and Resource Investigator * Cerebral – oriented roles: Plant, Monitor Evaluator and Specialist
During the tutorial, we were asked to sort these behavioural patterns into the likeliness of our team mates. These are what we came up with.
Emmanuel – Implementer: The reason for this was because I felt that I knew how to get things done. I am well disciplined and have an organised approach.
I also felt that I am a Team Worker: I know how to listen to other people’s ideas and also share my own view on how I see things. Instead of putting my view ahead of others I put other’s view into consideration first.

The team had different characteristics that each of us felt was important to each team member. Below is what we decided:
Lewe – Completer-Finisher.
As a team we chose Lewe to be a Completer-Finisher, this was because we have seen from previous experiences that, he pay good attention to detail. He picks up every small detail. We also noticed that he got things done on time, not just in this exercise but in other exercises.
Glen – Shaper, Resource Investigator & Monitor evaluator
As a team we chose Glen to be a Shaper, Resource Investigator & Monitor evaluator, this was because as a team we ask each other what we felt what attributes would be suitable to us. From past experiences Glen proved that he is ready to overcome any obstacles and get on what he is assigned to do, which is what a Shaper does.

Jade – Plant & Monitor Evaluator
Lastly as a team, we decided that Jade should be a Plant & Monitor Evaluator, this is because as a team we decided that she was creative and generates good ideas. Jade came up with the Volunteers pass for volunteers along with Lewe. As a team we also noticed that she looks at all the different angles of the problems within the group and tries to fix it and also good at making good decisions. This was seen in past exercises.

The Good points on given reasonable presentations
There are four important features of effective presentations. These are: * Big * Simple * Clear * Consistent
These features are very important when giving presentations to make the presentations more effective and not put the audience to sleep. * Big * People on the back row should be able to read the text of the presentation * Simple * The slide should consist of no more than 6 lines per slide and no more than 7 words per line of the text * Clear * It would be wise to choose a font that is suitable for everyone to read. Also the size of the text should be suitable. * Consistent * To be able to inform and educate the audience is the main priority of doing a presentation. Transitions are very good to use, it gives the audience the view of how the different stages are related together.
Team GAFA, used these features to enhance the group presentation. This was shown by the positive feedback given to the group after. We showed consistency throughout the presentation. Our slides were the same all the way through and our transitions were good. The clarity of the text was good, as we didn’t put too much information unto our slides. We showed that we did our research well as we kept our slides simple and clear, as we only put important information unto the slides.
From observing other presentations, there was one that really caught my eye. At the start of the presentation they showed a little video clip, highlights of all the Great Britain winners of the last Olympic Games that occurred. This showed that they put a lot of thought into what they want to do and it really captured the audience eye. At the end of the presentation, they concluded with how they wouldn’t like to leave the volunteers jobless. I really liked this idea as it showed that, they put themselves into how the volunteers would feel after doing a period of hard work and not being able to go back after. So the idea of not leaving the volunteers jobless within their specialised areas was really good.

Time Management and Decision Making Time Allocated | Actions Taken | 8am | Arrive at Office | 8.01am | Call CEO about item 2 (Get the CEO involved, tell him/her about the failure of Jim Davis whether they are able to negotiate a new contract | 8.16am | Email to personnel item 3, call Sam on train or car (to organise a meeting with Nikora and GM and negotiate maybe a new contract | 8.20am | Email regarding Item 4 (Send email) | 8.25am | Email Item 5 (Send email to personnel to get a temporary PA to cover Sophie) | 8.29am | Reminder (Appointment) for Item 1 (Make a reminder to arrange a meeting with PA to give a warning about behaviour) | 8.30am | Leave for Manchester |

I prioritised our decisions by taking each item on the list stage by stage. Firstly I read the scenarios of each of the items and looked at how I would solve then. Then I listed them out and sorted them into which item would go first. I looked at how it would be able to fit into the time allocated and how long it would take to do each of the different items on the list.
From the decisions made, it would have been easier if there was an earlier notice in handling the different situations. Handling decisions could be both good and bad. Isaac Newton states that “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” One of the reason Isaac Newton state this is because in decision making, you have the tendency to satisfy your own needs than looking into the view of other people, so by this quote, Isaac Newton means that we should take the time to weigh both of the decisions and the consequences and see how and who they will affect. It will come to a good cause at the end result.
Doing this task has really helped, in planning and organising task with groups or for a presentation. Within the presentation that I did with my group. We managed time and were able to allocate this days that we should do a specific task. Our time management was really good, although there was a little difficulty with one member of the group, we managed it pull through in the end.

Greenwich Market vs. McDonalds – WHO WOULD WIN?
Key organisational process, structure and culture issues observations from the Greenwich market and McDonalds are very different from in each other. McDonalds is a fast food restaurant that has a minimum of table services. It is a restaurant that is not expensive. Their efficiency is very productive as they already have the food prepared. Whereas in the Greenwich market, if you’re requesting for a burger on one of their stands, you have to wait a few minutes before it is ready. I suppose this is logic, because Greenwich Market does not have the same technological equipment that McDonalds have in order to keep the burger fresh.
Going to the Greenwich Market and getting some food or anything is very interesting, this is because while in the process of your ordering, you are able to have a conversation with the server. On the other hand in McDonalds, you are not able to interact with the server because you will probably be, be holding up the queue.
Greenwich Market and McDonalds differ in products they sell. Greenwich Market sells a wide range of products, ranging from food to clothes, whereas McDonalds just do food. This enables customers to buy what they want from Greenwich Market and probably have a rest in a nearby McDonalds.

PDD1 Review – A glance to the past
My Past experiences in PPD1 activities were very good. My first term starting at the University of Greenwich enabled me to settle down, make friends and see how they are really like. It made me more confident in myself. From doing the different activities, made me more aware of whom I am as a person. I always knew that I was good at doing presentations, but looking at different methods and techniques of presenting was really good. I gained more of the methods and techniques from the students within my PDD1 class and watching online videos.
The coursework section has really been helpful as well. It shows you how to make use of different skills of individual writing, reflective reports and group work.
There are various examples given in which PPD1 could be improved, so it could be implemented in the next academic year. One suggestion is 1. A more broad idea of feedback on what the lecturer is looking for in the work assigned. a. This will enable students to know exactly what they are going to write or give them idea of how the lecturer wants the assignment to be handled.

2. Exam time-tables to be given way ahead of time b. This will also enable students to revise more thoroughly in preparation for the exam.

I have learnt a lot from writing up this portfolio. From looking at the different presentations given, I was able to point out different techniques that I would be able to implement into either my work or everyday life.

Bibliography * Belbin’s Theory * Gustafson and Kleiner (1994) * Tips for Effective Presentations, Using Four Important Design Concepts, Lois Putnam and Phredd Groves (2002) * The Right Decisions, Isaac Newton (2005)

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