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Post Traumatic Stress Case Study

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Pt. has made excellent progress during the last quarter by identifying important motivational factors. Also, he has been negative for all illicit drugs use as indicated by last seven UDS results. Patient reported faithfully three times a week to receive his methadone maintenance treatment, and he has achieved dosing stabilization. Pt is currently in action stage of change as indicated by accepting help and seeking support from others. Pt. was encouraged to continue working on his treatment goals and to discuss how he is responding to his current prescribed dose with AMS nurse and Primary Counselor. AMS Primary Counselor will meet with Pt. to review his commitment to his recovery goals and develop plans to deal with both personal and external pressures that may lead to slips.

Pt. has done excellent in improving the above goal. As treatment has progressed, the Pt. has become more financially stable. He is able to sustain his TX services fees and is improving his credit. Pt. is currently paying for his TX services in advance and maintaining a positive balance in his AMS account. Pt. reported that he still working full-time and he bought a new car. Counselor encouraged Pt. to report any negative changes to this writer and/or …show more content…
reported that his recent social support system changes will assist him in maintaining his sobriety and avoiding any drug-seeking behaviors. During the last quarter, Pt. attended all mandatory AMS treatment groups and he is willing to participate in 12-Step meetings once a month. Pt. developed a list/schedule of activities that he can participate in that will increase social network and not compromise sobriety. Pt.’s girlfriend is under 21 year old and she supports his recovery emotionally. During the next quarter, Counselor will continue to encourage Pt. to seek opportunities to socialize and partake in AMS activities/groups. Counselor prompted Pt. to collect phone numbers of positive AMS members/peers during his AMS monthly recovery

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