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Professor Discussion on Religon


Submitted By DrewEatsHawk
Words 292
Pages 2
What the professor said:
The parable took place on the Sabbath
Being that it was Sabbath the priest left him there not to dirty his clothes
Being that it was Sabbath the Levite also did the same as the priest
A Samaritan with a horse and sword and a bag of money carries the man on his horse
The Samaritan pays his stay in an inn and any extra expense

The point the professor made: That you have to love yourself first in order to help others. That the Good Samaritan had set himself up for success in order to be able to help others.
The real story:
Luke 10:25-37
A priest walks by on the other side of the road going around him
A Levite does the same as the priest
A Samaritan comes down the road and bandages and cleans his wounds with oil and wine, and then puts him on his donkey.
He then stays the night with him and takes care of him, and pays his stay and any additional cost he may acquire.
The reason Jesus told the story: To show that all people that we come in contact with are our neighbors. That the other people ignored the man and put themselves first. That we are to love everyone, even those that are not a part of your community or beliefs.

Why was the adjustments or alterations made to the parable? A sword? A horse? A bag of money? The Sabbath?
Closer look:
The Levite and Priest would also have had money with them; they may have even had donkey or other.
The class looks up Luke 10:25-37 and reads for them selfs.
The text has been misrepresented.

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