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Pros And Cons Of War Hawks

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Hillary’s discovery of the power afforded via military implementation has grown since the days of her husband’s administration. Her prowess for war power has gained her the title of a war hawk, which undoubtedly may ruffle some feathers on the left side of the line. But whether they continue to support her or turn their heads has yet to be discovered.

What kind of war hawk is Hillary?
If Hillary is indeed a war hawk, what kind would she be? After all, so much can be said about a war in its many forms, both foreign and domestic. That’s not to suggest that she would implement an authoritarian style of government with martial law, although nothing is truly impossible.

What is Hillary’s foreign policy when it comes to war?
Hillary has already demonstrated her stance with …show more content…
But don’t throw the towel in yet. If she makes it to the presidency, her plans for the domestic front will threaten our Constitutional way of life.

What kind of domestic policy could we expect from Hillary?
Hillary is a strong supporter of gun control, whether it be from strengthening background checks to the most ludicrous suggestions of holding gun dealers and manufacturers accountable if the guns they sell are used to commit violent crimes. While that may seem laughable, in some ways it would be right along the lines of the Department of Health suddenly wanting to hold Oneida accountable for the nation’s obesity problem.
We could delve deeper into Hillary’s viewpoint on guns, but it’s important to note her other stances, such as immigration and unions.
She supports a path to full citizenship for immigrants. That is like a slap in the face to those who immigrate here through all the proper channels to become a full citizen. If we allow illegal immigrants the same benefit, wouldn’t that be rewarding those who break the law? If so, where does it

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