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Submitted By nialaisa
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Pages 3
Protein shake
Protein is an essential macronutrient needed by the body for growth and development. Proteins are the structural component of every cell, tissue, and organs in the body. Dietary proteins are usually digested into amino acids that are later used to replace these proteins in our bodies. Protein shakes are dietary food supplements that are rich in protein taken to add more protein into our daily diet. Protein shakes come in a variety of flavors in powder form or in ready-to-drink packages, such as cans or foil packs (See Reference 4, par. 1, line4)
Sources of Protein Proteins naturally occur in the following foods: legumes such as beans and peas; meat products such as beef, fish, pork and poultry; milk and milk products; some vegetables and fruits; nuts and seeds; tofu; eggs (Reference 1, par. 4 & 5). Protein shake can be taken to supplement the dietary protein especially in case of high protein demand like intense physical activity , strength or endurance exercise, where a constant supply of proteins to meet the high protein demand of the body. It is not advisable jus to drink protein shake for your protein intake. You should get protein from the natural dietary sources which often provide enough protein for the body. Protein shake should be taken in cases of high demand that normal sources cannot meet or in case of deficiency.
Protein supplements There is an increase in consumption of protein supplements especially in the western world. A report by Duncan Walker (See Reference 2, par. 1-9), indicates that Protein products are increasingly being consumed in UK and US. The proteins are incorporated into drinks and are taken as energy drinks referred to as protein shake, which are used by athletes, body builders and fitness enthusiasts. Protein supplements can add substantial amount of protein into the diet. Some protein shake can add up to 35g per serving (Reference 2, par. 13).
Protein Requirements
Factors such as weight, age, sex and health status determines the amount of proteins that an individual should take. In terms of weight it is indicated that 0.8 grams of protein should per taken per 2.2lb of body weight (See Reference 3, par. 10, line1). According to the British Dietetic Association an average man should be eating about 55 grams of protein while an average woman needs 45 grams (See Reference 3, par. 10, line3). Victims of protein deficiency due to ill health or medical condition require protein supplements to restore the normal amount of protein needed by the body to function properly (Reference 3, par. 15).
Benefits of protein shake
According to WebMD protein shake is safe to be used by healthy and fit people. Protein shakes are used mainly by athletes, who need nourishment right after their workouts. They help the body to recover from intense exercise by restoring muscle glycogen. They help in repairing damage to muscles, which occur with serious bodybuilding (Reference 4, par. 3, line 4-6).
Negative Impact of Excess Protein Intake
Excess intake of protein for a long period of time may lead to the excretion of calcium from bones thereby increasing the risk of osteoporosis. High intake of protein can lead to serious complications for diabetic’s and people with kidney problems Reference (Reference 3, par. 11).
CDC: Nutrition for everyone; protein BBC: The rise of the protein drinks for ordinary people Consumer Report: How much protein WedMD: Protein Shakes

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