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Psych Test


Submitted By lubesauce
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Just look at this→think of examples for all of them
Chapter 7: Physical & Cognitive Development
• Growth & ability of the body
Right/ left handedness emerges early
Bone ossification
Gross motor skills
• Brain lateralization—certain cognitive functions are located more in 1 hemisphere of brain than other→ become more pronounced during preschool years o Right vs. Left hemisphere specialization
• Left hemisphere- speaking, reading, thinking & reasoning
• Right Hemisphere- Spatial relationships, pattern recognition & emotional expression (global processing) o What are examples of skills associated with the right and left hemisphere? o Some specialization of each hemisphere, BUT each can perform most tasks of the other. EX: right hemisphere does some language processing and does important role in language comprehension
• Piaget’s preoperational stage of cognitive development (early childhood: 2—6) o Children at this time increase in use of symbolic thinking, mental reasoning, use of concepts.. Representational thought
• EX: seeing moms car keys(symbol) prompts u to ask “are we going to the store?”
• Primarily defined by limitations. Characterized by centration o Aren’t capable of operations→ organized/formal mental process that develops in school-aged children o Confuses own POV w/ others & cant consider multiple characteristics of stuff o Period of centration- concentrating on 1 limited aspect of stimulus & ignoring other stimulus. (EX: a cat w/ dog mask is an actual dog to 4 year olds) o Don’t understand Transformation- processes in which one state is changed into other (EX: pencil that falls, children don’t get that it falls in a ton of steps to get to hit the ground) o Preeschoolers have intuitive thought—primitive reasoning and acquistiono of knowledge about world: b/c of curiosity o 2-6 yr olds fail Piagets classic tests. TRAINING HELPS/ do better w simpler taks o For each concept below address the following questions:
• For kids that fail: What do they say/think during the experiment? How might kids make the same mistake in their everyday life/activities?
• For kids that pass: What do they say/think during the experiment?

• Conservation- stuff remains even when physical appearance is changed (begin to get it at age 5, mastered at 8
• EX: beaker/card test→ FAILED= unable to realize the transfer of appearance doesn’t mean less quantity… tendency to CEentration.
• More recent explanations= memory capacity, accumulating knowledge
• Mental operations here= Identity, Compensation, and reversibility
• Egocentrism- only my perspective is possible.. not others. o Egocentric thought: A.) aren’t aware that others see things from diff viewpoint…. B.)don’t know that others hold thoughts/feelings different from mine
• EX: perspective talking→ cant take others accounts into view
• EX: hated their b-day gift, they scowl b.c theyre unaware that parents can see my true reactio
• Object permanence-
• Theory of Mind (False belief task)- able to think about others mental states & form theories of their thought. DO this by understanding: o States of knowing, wanting, intending, AND actions guided by beleifs and desires o Fale Belief Taks- EX: Crayon tasts-mistaken contents- ages 4+ are correct
• Sociodramatic play—(PRETEND PLAY 2.5 yrs) REQUIRES: o Shared understanding, enact social roles & use scripts o Why is egocentrism an impediment to sociodramatic play? o b/c they cant make up something that isn’t them/ take in other ideas. (make believe) o Why is theory of mind crucial for sociodramatic play? o Can play w others, and make up stuff, ur actions are from ur belief that it can be make believe o • Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development –childs social/ cultural worlds of cog dev…. Cog dev results from interactions and experiences.. mediators = critical tools for learning success
• Development moves from: elementary mental functions: basic attention, perception, involuntary memory → Higher mental functions- voluntary attention, intentional remembering, problem solving o Zone of proximal development—level at which I can almost complete a task independently, and need help from someone more competent( diff btwn actual dev level and potential development) o Determined thru problem solving. Interactions create oppurtunities… and learning only happens when taught by teacher o The greater I improve in a task WITH help, the larger the zone of proximal development o Scaffolding- encourage independence/ growth by support for learning & problem solving. →amount/ type of support differs based on learning needs o This theory made a considerable impact on learning and education by promiting community of learners, guided support, and learning by observing
• Language Growth→ know 14K words by 6, .. use fast mapping→ associating new words w their meaning after hearing them only 1 or 2 times….. Syntax(combine phrases/words to form sentences) doubles each month
• Egocentric speech (private speech)- speech directed at myself o Guides behavior/thought & begins internal diologues… allows them to practice pragmatics (comm w others effectively)
• Social speech- speech directed toward others, goal= comm w others o Preeschooler years do much more of this.
• Television & physical/cognitive development o In what ways can watching too much TV be harmful? o Linked w obesity, unable to distinguish fantasy vs reality o Don’t let kids watch TV b4 age 2 o When can watching TV be helpful? (be specific) o Sesame st linked w: larger vocab, better school preparedness, better performance on math/ verbal tests in preK
• Self recognition (rouge test)—ability to recognize me in mirror o What other achievements happen around the same time that kids pass the rouge test? -→ increasingly sophisticated sense of self… theory of mind
• Self conscious (secondary) emotions → depend on sense of self and awareness of others… by 2 yrs, experiency new 2ndary emotions w/ the embarrassment, pride, shame, ETC; (such as for pride, u now hang ur head)
• Self-concept vs. Identity
• Self concept- set of beleifs about what im like as a person
• Identity- my self-definition that focuses on long characteristics
• Erikson’s psychosocial theory of identity
• Infancy (birth-18 months)= Trust/Mistrust
• Infancy(18 m-3 yrs)= autonomy/Shame and doubt
• Preschool= initative/Guilt (acting independently & deal w failure
• Gender identity
• Biological theories of gender o Evolutionary perspective.. hormone differences… brain lateralization (mens brains r more lateralized/specialized
• Social theories of gender(EX: albert bandura) o Modeling, imitate, parent guidance (envir/social influence)
• Gender schema- children differentiate gender roles early o perceive themselves as dad if boy, mom if girl→frued calls this Identification… experience+reinforcement for behaving in gender congruent/conforming ways
• Kohlberg’s cognitive model of gender typing o For each stage below, answer the following questions:
• For kids in this stage, how might they reason about their peers’ behaviors? What kinds of things would they say when they are making sense of a person’s gender?
1. Gender identity—(2-3 yrs) label myself as boy or girl
2. Gender stability—(4-5 yrs) understand that boys become men, girls become women
a. Believe gender differences r based on appearance (rigid rules)
3. Gender constancy—( 6-7 years) gender doesn’t change over time regardless of gender typed appearance, acitivities & traits
• Gender dissonance (transgender identity in early/middle childhood) o Feelings of difference, mind-body=”out of sync”
• Unexamined race/ethnic identity (race & ethnic identity in preschool) o Distinctions drawn from physical appearance (skin color, eye shape)…. Quasi-biologicall; socially structured
Ethnicity= distinctions drawn from national origion, language, religion o Children aware of gender diff by age 4.. prejudice limit opportunities for exploration o Unexamined Ethnic ID→ prefer values/ belifs of dominant culture…. Similar to foreclosure or diffusion

• Play (types of play; what kinds of behaviors/interactions ‘count’ as play) o For each category of play (parallel, onlooker, etc): think of an example of what this type of play would look in a kindergarten classroom.
• Friendships→ preschoolers start viewing friendships as stable.. b/c of trust, support, shared interests
• Play→ big aspect of preeschoolers lives o Its functional (simple, repetitive act) and constructive (manipulation of objects to produce/build something)… constructive comes later o Focuses on pretend play
• Categorizing play^^^^ IMPORTANT o Parallel play- using alike toys, but not interacting w one another o Onlooker play- child watching other children play. May make comments of encouragement or advice. o Associate play- 2+ children interacting/sharing w out doing same thing o Cooperative play-genuine play w one another, taking turns, on same page…. (happens in later toddlerhood)

Chapter 8: Social & Emotional Development
• Changing American families o family structures-
• nuclear family→ 2 parents w children

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