Premium Essay



Submitted By theclap
Words 475
Pages 2
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology depicted as a triangle with five layers. Each layer is provided with certain needs that need to be fulfilled in order to reach “Self-Actualization.” The higher needs come into play when the individual meets the lower needs standards. Once a person has moved up, the lower needs no longer become prioritized. However if a person’s health is at risk, they can permanently regress to that specific lower stage while still managing a job and family. The first layer of the pyramid relies on basic physiological needs. These needs include breathing, eating, sexual activity and homeostasis. This layer consists of the requirements for a species to survive. Lack of food and air means death, and lack of sexual activity means the extinction of that specific species. Once all these needs are satisfied, this person will move up to the second layer. The second layer focuses on the persons overall security. These needs include personal safety, financial security and overall good health and well-being. Adults have little awareness of their safety except for times of emergency. Children express signs of insecurity and need to be safe. The third layer requires the person to meet his or hers social needs. Humans need a feeling of belonging whether it comes from social groups, religious groups, clubs, and even gangs. In this layer, the person strives for friendship, intimacy and a supportive family. Without these needs fulfilled, a person can develop social anxiety and clinical depression. Esteem is fulfilled in the fourth layer, which the person needs to be respected. Esteem presents the normal human desire to be respected and valued by others. People need to engage themselves in activities to gain recognition for themselves. Imbalances at this level can result in inferiority complex and even depression.

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