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Public Speaking Terms of the Trade 4


Submitted By cwyatt
Words 723
Pages 3
Public Speaking
Terms of the Trade 4

Abbreviations- shortened words that stand in place of whole words
Abstract language- language that is general, or nonspecific
Acronyms- words formed from the initials of a sequence of other words
Active voice- the grammatical voice used in a sentence to indicate that the subject of the verb performs the action
Ad hominem attack- criticizing the person making an argument instead of the argument itself
Alliteration- the repletion of the same sound at the beginning of adjacent words
Allusion- a vague or indirect reference to something or someone
Analogy- a comparison between two things based on their similar features
Anastrophe-reversal of the expected order of words for emphasis
Antithesis- the juxtaposition of two opposing ideas
Arbitrary- based only on social convention
Articulation-the extent to which a speaker pronounces words clearly
Assonance- the recurrence of a similar vowel sound in neighboring words
Asyndeton- the omission of conjunctions for dramatic effects
Clichés- phrases that were novel at one time but have lost their effect because of overuse
Concrete language- language referring to specific people, objects, or actions in the physical world
Connotative meaning- the mental and emotional association of a word for an individual
Deception- the intentional transmission of information for the purpose of creating false beliefs
Denotative meaning-a words literal meaning, the way a word is defined in the dictionary
Dialects- distinctive ways of speaking associated with particular regions or social groups
Disclaimers- statements that express a speaker’s uncertainty
Euphemism-a vague, mild expression that substitutes for one that is blunter or harsher
Figures of speech- expressions in which words are used in a non-literal fashion
Fillers- words or sounds that serve no purpose expect to fill

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