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Puke: A Short Story

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It was around late noon that I woke up. It was during my year off-or maybe it was during my second year off or third. I don't know ever since I left the game, time has been escaping quickly. I do remember, I had pizza for breakfast. Pizza my sister bought with Mel's pension. Blood tainted money that matched the color of the tomato sauce. Just thinking of it, made me nauseous. I rushed to the restroom as soon as finished eating to puke. Funny. Even when I'm regretting an action, I don't stop till it's fully done. At least I get thing done unlike Mel who never finished fixing the damn stairs.

As I hold my l dreads back while I expunge all my emotions , angst, guilt, and disgust towards the toilet. Dana walks thru the hallway with grocery bags. She put the bags on the floor only inches away from a drop of vomit that is inches away from the toilet. She bites her lip as she grabs the brush and stars the scrubbing the hell out of that smudge. She spent at least two good minutes scrubbing the hell out of the floor. However she only stays in that area. The rasping sound of the floor expunging the vomit is relaxing but at the same anxious invoking. How I wished she spread across the floor and expunge all the dirt that mostly came from me. It would be liberating and mind reliving. …show more content…
I flushed the toilet trying to retreat to my room with any further contact but she blocks the doorway knowing I was gonna just going to kill more

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