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Submitted By jvaquedano
Words 770
Pages 4
Student Name:Joselyn Vaquedano | |
To complete this homework assignment, search through pages IT-2 to IT-40.
Introduction to Technology - CIS120


1. Technology, while useful, cannot help you more efficiently and effectively access and search for information. REF: IT 2 False

2. Digital literacy involves having a current knowledge and understanding of computers, mobile devices, the Internet, and related technologies. REF: IT 2 TRUE

3. As shown in the accompanying figure, a typical laptop has a keyboard in the base and a screen in the lid, with the lid attaching to the base with hinges. REF: IT 3 TRUE

4. A computer is an electronic device that can accept data and process it according to specified rules, but that cannot produce information. REF: IT 3 FALSE

5. Electronic components in computers process data using instructions, which are the steps that tell the computer how to perform a particular task. REF: IT 3 TRUE

6. A solid state drive is a storage device that typically uses flash memory to store data, instructions, and information. REF: IT 16 TRUE

7. USB flash drives are not convenient for mobile users. REF: IT 16 TRUE

8. The types of services offered by cloud storage providers vary. REF: IT 17 TRUE

9. Application software consists of programs designed to make users more productive and/or assist them with personal tasks. REF: IT 26 TRUE

10. Installing software is the process of setting up software to work with a computer, printer, and other hardware. REF: IT 27 TRUE


1. A ____ is a computer that can perform all of its input, processing, output, and storage activities by itself and is intended to be used by one person at a time. REF: IT 3 a. | personal computer | c. | modem | b. | laptop | d. | tablet |

2. A ____ is a thin, lightweight mobile computer with a screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base. a. | personal computer | c. | modem | b. | laptop | d. | tablet |

3. A ____ is a personal computer designed to be in a stationary location, where all of its components fit on or under a desk or table. REF: IT 5 a. | keyboard | c. | scanner | b. | tablet | d. | desktop |

4. As shown in the accompanying figure, smartphones may have a touch screen and/or a mini keyboard or ____. REF: IT 7 a. | slide out keyboard | c. | mouse | b. | stylus | d. | slide out track |

5. A ____ is a short note, typically fewer than 300 characters, sent to or from a smartphone or other mobile device. REF: IT 7 a. | video message | c. | picture message | b. | text message | d. | voice message |

6. A ____ is a device that allows you to take photos and store the photographed images digitally. IT 8 a. | digital camera | c. | scanner | b. | portable media player | d. | stylus |

7. A ____ is a duplicate of content on a storage medium that you can use in case the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed. REF: IT 17 a. | platter | c. | backup | b. | track | d. | head crash |

8. Instead of storing data, instructions, and information locally on a hard disk or other media, you can opt for ____. REF: IT 17 a. | optical disc storage | c. | flash drive storage | b. | smartphone storage | d. | cloud storage |

9. A(n) ____ is system software. REF: IT 25 a. | spreadsheet program | c. | word processing program | b. | operating system | d. | presentation graphics program |

10. An example of an app you can use to create letters, reports, and other documents is a ____ program. REF: IT 26 a. | word processing | c. | personal finance | b. | calendar and contact management | d. | media player |

11. Once ____, you can run an application so that you can interact with it. REF: IT 27 a. | connected | c. | stored | b. | processed | d. | installed |

12. When you buy a computer, the box, the manufacturer's website, or the order summary will list the computer's ____. REF: IT 28 a. | applications | c. | output | b. | programs | d. | specifications |

13. A ____ is someone who develops programs and apps or writes the instructions that direct the computer or mobile device to process data into information. REF: IT 28 a. | computer manufacturer | c. | troubleshooter | b. | software developer | d. | computer developer |

14. A(n) ____ is a real-time typed conversation among two or more people on a computer or mobile device connected to a network. REF: IT 29 a. | email | c. | RSS | b. | chat room | d. | newsgroup |

15. ____ enable users with computers and mobile devices to connect to the Internet wirelessly. IT 29 a. | Videoconferences | c. | Notebooks | b. | Desktops | d. | Wireless Internet access points |


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