Premium Essay



Submitted By yaoyinxiao
Words 9425
Pages 38
Reference for International Marketing True/False
1. Confucian philosophy, taught throughout Japan’s history, emphasizes the basic virtue of loyalty to the country. ( T ) Confucian philosophy, taught throughout Japan’s history, emphasizes the basic virtue of loyalty “of friend to friend, of wife to husband, of child to parent, of brother to brother, but, above all, of subject to lord,” that is, to country. 2. The uncontrollable factors affecting international marketing are limited to political forces, economic climate, and competitive structure. ( F )

3. Acculturation refers to the process of becoming an agent of change by innovating.

(F) Humans make adaptations to changing environments through innovation. Individuals learn culture from social institutions through socialization (growing up) and acculturation (adjusting to a new culture). 4. We are less likely to evaluate a person’s behavior in terms of what is familiar to us because we use our self-reference criterion (SRC). (F) The self-reference criterion (SRC) is especially operative in business customs. If we do not understand our foreign counterpart’s customs, we are more likely to evaluate that person’s behavior in terms of what is familiar to us. 5. People from cultures with high Power Distance Index scores are more likely to have a general distrust of others. (T) People from cultures with high PDI (Power Distance Index) scores are more likely to have a general distrust of others (not those in their groups) because power is seen to rest with individuals and is coercive rather than legitimate. 6. Economically prosperous countries do not display strong nationalistic feelings. Although militant economic nationalism has subsided, nationalistic feelings can be found even in the most economically prosperous countries. (F) 7. Foreign investment can be perceived as a threat to sovereignty. (T)

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