Premium Essay

Quality Improvement and Risk Management Lp8 Journal


Submitted By lyah1226
Words 317
Pages 2
LP8 Journal

The concepts during the establishment can be: Is this a good idea or a bad idea? Is this belief defensible or indefensible? Is my position on this issue reasonable and rational or not? Am I willing to deal with complexity or do I retreat into simple stereotypes to avoid it? If I can't tell if my idea or belief is reasonable or defensible, how can I have confidence in my thinking, or in myself? Is it appropriate and wise to assume that my ideas and beliefs are accurate, clear, and reasonable, when I haven't really tested them? Do I think deeply or only on the surface of things? Do I ever enter sympathetically into points of view that are very different from my own, or do I just assume that I am right? Do I know how to question my own ideas and to test them? And do I know what I am aiming for? Should I?
Finding from research compounds all the others and makes it harder to change practice
Avoidance thought-provoking work and activities and stick to predictable routines
Being caught in a vicious circle of mediocre practice modelled after mediocre practice, of trivialized knowledge begetting more trivialized knowledge
That there are appropriate standards for the assessment of thinking and there are specific ways to cultivate the learning of them. The research into critical thinking establishes tools that can help us evaluate our own thinking and the thinking of others, if we see their potential benefit and are willing to discipline our minds in ways that may seem awkward at first
Are we relegated to "trial and error" to discover the consequences of our thinking? Do the consequences always accurately tell the tale? Isn't thinking all a matter of opinion anyway? Isn't my opinion as good as anyone else's? If what I believe is true for me, isn't that all that

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