Premium Essay

Queen Nefertiti's Disappearance

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Pages 5
Queen Nefertiti of Egypt was a great, well known, and mysterious Queen to many. She was a Great Royal Wife to Pharaoh Akhenaten. She had many children including: Ankhesenamun, Meritaten, Neferneferuaten Tasherit, Meketaten, Setepenre, and Neferneferure. She was very religious and worshipped only one egyptian god, Aten, the sun god. This was very unusual considering many Egyptians at the time worshiped many gods. But what is most interesting is her mysterious disappearance. Did she die from a sudden plague, did she try to flee, or did she pretend to be someone else during Tutankhamun's rule?
Not much is known about Nefertiti's upbringing and birth. It is believed she was born in the Egyptian town Akhmim, where she was either the daughter or niece of a high official At, her mother is unknown. Other theories say she could have been born in a foreign country, such as Syria. Evidence shows she was born in 1370 BC. …show more content…
There is almost no possible way to discover how she died, her body is yet to be discovered and she mysteriously disappeared from all know articles around 1331 BC. There are hundreds of possible ways she could have died. Swirling around the internet are many possible theories impossible to prove just yet. So what happened to Queen Nefertiti? An older theory was that Nefertiti died from a sudden plague sweeping the land. The theory was based on the discovery of Shabti fragments found of Nefertiti. This is highly unlikely theory, as there are no records of a plague, or many deaths at one time around the time of her disappearance. It is also possible Nefertiti faked her death and took on the role of Neferneferuaten, influencing her children and husband’s rule over Egypt. A newer theory from Cyril Aldred suggests that a funerary shawabti found in Akhenaten's tomb says that Nefertiti was simply a queen regnant, not a co-regent and that she died in the regal year 14 of Akhenaten's reign, her daughter dying the year

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