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(Prasenjit Nath, Janata College, Serfanguri, BTAD, Assam. Department of Computer Science & Application.)

ABSTRACT: This paper explores the synergies between Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) and in traditional micro and small enterprises in Bodoland Territorial Area Districts of Assam for marketing, advertising, and sales their organizational products or services. For this study used current literature review on E-commerce and Entrepreneurship and case study analysis from different sources. In addition to this, interviews were conducted to examine the perceptions of enterprises in E-Commerce regarding modernization of traditional micro and small enterprises and entrepreneurship development and the factors affecting the modernization of business and integration of entrepreneurship. The study has explored the synergies between E-Commerce and modernization of traditional micro and small enterprises and entrepreneurships of Bodoland Territorial area Districts through a review of principal literature in this field, case study analysis, web researches and interviews with micro and small traditional enterprises. Traditional micro and small enterprises and E-Commerce should be regarded as ongoing, everyday practice in enterprises. For rural area of North-East like BTAD, one of the most important benefits of E-Commerce is its potential to help a developing rural community to leapfrog into the knowledge paradigm. This positive effect of E-Commerce can be magnified beyond purely commercial growth to have a profound impact on all aspects of rural community like in BTAD of Assam. KEYNOTE: Impact of Electronic Commerce in the

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...STEPS TO ACCESS ORACLE SERVER AND CERTAIN BASIC QUERIES (Note: To access the oracle server, sometimes it is required to create a cspc1 account. If the username and password step described below doesn’t work then create a cspc1 account from university website at and use those credentials in the steps described below.) 1. First, download “bitvise ssh client” from the university website on your local machine. This is a secure shell required to connect to the oracle server. A link to download this ssh is as follows: bitvise download. 2. Once this SSH is downloaded, connect to the server using the following credentials: Hostname: Username: enter your unique username (same as that of university website) Password: enter your unique password (same as that of university website)Port number: usually it is 22. 3. After step 2, you will observe that on connecting to the server, a new terminal window appears on the screen along with the ssh. 4. On this terminal window, which opens with your account information, type in “sqlplus”. 5. Again, the system will ask you for your username and password credentials. Please enter the same. 6. On entering your credentials on the terminal window you will see that you have finally connected to the server and can now try working with all the possible queries you need which are illustrated below. Now, let us work with tables after we get access to the database server...

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