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Submitted By noodlewhips
Words 495
Pages 2
I figured I would begin with the latest book that disturbed me. This book wasn't perfect, but it was 100% effective in terms of giving me the creeps. It's such a thrilling, suspenseful page turner that left me with a few goosebumps along the way. Gillian Flynn has a knack for creating messed up characters, and she does it so well that I believe every word! I did see the movie adaptation, and I thought it was so good! The actress that played one of the characters here was great, and I highly, highly recommend everybody to watch it, even if you're not interested in reading the book. But the book... always read the book first ;) Next up is a classic disturbing book! A Clockwork Orange has Alex, who is one of the most memorable characters ever. He will forever be stuck in my mind. Such a well-structured and engaging story! I do have to admit though that there's something extra special and extra disturbing about the movie adaptation. The actor that plays Alex just truly captures everything about the character, and I love everything about the movie. Such a classic film, and something I wish everyone would watch at least once. Such memorable characters in here. And some of the most memorable scenes as well. If you're looking for a Stephen King book to read, check this out. It's very different from his other novels, and it's what made me appreciate King as an imaginative author. I do have to mention the movie, as Kathy Bates was incredible in it. This list can not exist without this book. Some of the events that are told in this book have been some of the most agonizing things I've ever read. It's one of those rare books that made me put it down several times, thinking I could not continue with it! And yes, the movie... must watch. This book is about an unstable kid, and the story is told from the perspective of a mother who also disturbed and unstable. Put them together and you have this realistic story. I have not seen the movie adaptation, but I hear it's well done. I have to admit that signing up for a readathon while on a terrible reading slump sounds unwise to me, but I enjoyed my time so much last readathon in April that I knew I couldn't pass it up. Back then, I read quite a good chunk. This time around, I think I will take it easy and attempt to finish at least one book. Mostly, I plan and look forward to interacting with other readers through twitter and instagram, as those were my favorite parts in the event.
My start time is 5am, but I do have to come in to work at 7:30-1pm. I might take a much-needed nap, but then after that, I will have the whole Saturday for the readathon. Here's my book stack.

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