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Reading a Piece of News


Submitted By michaelyang26
Words 940
Pages 4
What I learnt and thought reading a piece of news

Morning, everyone!
It’s great to be here sharing with you some recent pieces of news that interest me and enlighten me the most.

On August 22nd, according to Associated Press, Pentagon cites ‘dangerous’ and ‘unprofessional’ intercept of US plane by Chinese fighter off the coast of China in ‘international airspace’. The Pentagon press secretary, John Kirby, said the Chinese jet made several close passes by the Navy P-8 Poseidon plane, coming within 30 feet(less than 10 meters) of it. He said the Chinese jet did a roll maneuver over the top of the Poseidon and also passed across the nose of the Navy plane, exposing the belly of the fighter in a way apparently designed to show that it was armed. Despite the incident happened only 135 miles east of China’s Hainan Island over the South China Sea, the US government regarded it as a deliberate provocation from China, to which the Pentagon had lodged a protest through diplomatic channels.

Three days later, according to the official Xinhua news agency, China’s Ministry of National Defense responded by rejecting US accusations that a Chinese fighter jet’s intercept of a US Navy surveillance aircraft off the southern Chinese coast was dangerous and blamed Washington for mounting large-scale and frequent close-in reconnaissance operations. The spokesman believed these operations comprise the root cause of accidents endangering the sea and air military security between China and the United States.
To sum up, this is a piece of news concerning an airplane intercept incident between China and the United States. Next, I shall briefly explain why I am so fascinated to see just how this chess match plays out.
Firstly, this news manifests the growing competitions, distinctions and disputes between the two countries beneath the veneer of seemingly close partnership. It reminds us once again, the significance of the changing and revolving Sino-American relationship, which is one of those unique and complicated relationships of greatest importance. China is the second largest export country to the U.S, and the intellectual mobilizing, technological cooperation between the two countries is steadily increasing. So when we examine this news one more time and probe into it further, it’s easy to predict why Pentagon is making such a fuss? Some of you may have heard of this. 13 years ago, in the year of 2001, there was a similar accident over the nearby region. That was even an actual airplane crash accident; however, it did not stir so much attention and reaction inside the Pentagon. Why? Maybe it was because the power struggle between China and the United States was not thrust into daylight like today. China's economy is poised to surpass that of the U.S. sometime early in the next decade, and the jet intercept symbolizes a geopolitical shift that is going to force the U.S. to share the world stage with a new up-and-coming communist China. News such as this one can always reveal a phenomenon worth focusing on and can lead you to learn more about everything.

So, let’s move to the second phase. Now that we realized the importance of this relationship, it triggers our curiosity and lulls us to understand the two giant nations better, to study the ups and downs and try to find out the causes of the various vicissitudes of a country’s fate. For instance, why is an American surveillance plane flying over Chinese territory? Does this have something to do with Obama’s return to Asian Pacific strategic plan? What drives him to divert the attention of his citizens from the domestic concerns to the abrupt rise of China? Is it because of the subprime mortgage crisis? In case we are worn out, we can shift to the other side. What’s the intention and significance for China to establish its Air Defense Identification Zone over East China Sea? If the Pentagon spokesman did not exaggerate the maneuver Chinese fighter jet did, is this act a symbol of confidence and determination to protect its sovereignty or does it convey much more meaning? Reading carefully through the lines and analyzing the news by solving one question after another help us think more comprehensively and rationally.

Finally, since we have possessed the knowledge background of this issue, it is time for us to elevate this news to a new level, as to contemplate our positions and reexamine our role in the development of the Sino-American relationship. Thanks to the open up policy in the 1980s, China has experienced a bursting growing period over the last thirty and more years, the Chinese people have joined in the global village and communicated with the rest of the world. As English major students, we should enhance the reciprocal bond between two countries. However, while there are problems unsolved, new dilemmas and risky plights have never ceased to undermine the safety and stability of our mother country. Hearing news such as this one could raise awareness of our roles to contribute and devote fully together to serve our nation, and to sacrifice for her, if necessary. Despite the fact we may not combat enemies on the battlefield, but at least we will still feel that inherited blood running through our veins. In any case, we should never become traitors relying on our language advantages, instead of that, we should be the brave soldiers loading up ammunition and slashing at enemies until our last breathe and we should be the ones to uphold the honor to the end.

That would be all of my speech. Thank you for listening.

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