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Ready Player One Summary

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Throughout the world, women and men have been subjected to stereotypical ideals. Ready Player One addresses assumptions aimed towards females and, occasionally, male views, concerns, and abilities. The main assumptions and concerns addressed in the book are not unknown in today’s societies, such as differences in career choices, body images, and concerns for men and women. The book has a modern perspectives of the ideals created by society that still and probably will plague society for centuries. One of the assumptions addressed in the book is that most of the gunters throughout the book believe that Art3mis is a man, because of her accomplishments as a blogger and gunter. Although in today’s society, women are not as oppressed as they used to be, women still are not as common in the field of science as men. In a report conducted in 2011 by the U.S. Department of Labor, only one in seven engineers where women (Forbes). Therefore, this leads to the assumption that career fields such as engineering and physics, is a manly job. So when the gunters in Ready Player One assumed Art3mis was a man, it was under a stereotypical assumption …show more content…
In the book, Art3mis wants to change the world compared to Wade who just wants to be with her. This also addresses why women are less likely to pursue engineering: fields where people help others have exploded with potential for women. Society views women as too caring so when it comes to complex issues and allowing women to have ideas about these issues, their ideas are dismissed. Mainly, because women are considered to sweet, and are incapable of being emotionally tough. The assumption that women only care about helping others in untrue, not all women want that. Hopefully, these bigot views will die with time, but current data concludes that women are still being ushered into jobs that were originally only employed to caring

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