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Relationships In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Relationships come down to two critical things; loyalty and sacrifice. Good relationships last forever and are supportive, such as Lennie and George. They would sacrifice anything, so they can make each other happy. On the other hand, bad relations are created when people are sneaky and selfish, like Curley and his wife. They made bad decisions and are unsympathetic towards each other, which is the opposite of what a loving married couple should do. Being loyal and not putting yourself first is hard, especially as a ranch worker in the book Of Mice and Men. This book takes place in California during the Great Depression. Throughout the book, they show the many problems that workers in general have to face. They also portray the idea of the …show more content…
The book never puts her in a good light, such as this quote, “‘I seen ‘em poison before, but I never seen no piece of jailbait worse than her. You leave her be.’”(Steinbeck 32) After meeting Curley’s wife, George knows right away that she is trouble, especially for Lennie, since all he notices is how beautiful she is. Even though George tells Lennie to stay away from her, it does not help in the end when Lennie accidentally kills Curley’s wife. She becomes a real pain for the men and is described in this quote(is this ok?), “Her presence is planned and provocative, and she enjoys flirting with the men when Curley is absent.” (Bloom 15) Curley’s wife is seen as possession to Curley and so she is always trying to get away from him and hangs out with the guys to avoid being with Curley or stuck in their house. By the end of the book, Curley’s wife finally confesses how depressed she is about her life and how she wished it turned out better,“‘I get lonely,’ she said. ‘You can talk to people, but I can’t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad… I don’t like Curley. He ain’t a nice fella.’” This quote shows how controlling Curley is and that he doesn’t allow her to actually live a good life. She is also never allowed to tell her feelings to anyone until Lennie came, because she doesn’t have any family or friends …show more content…
The devotion had between Lennie and George is very moving. They were dedicated to one another throughout the book, and it was an act of love for George to ultimately kill Lennie. The relationship between Curley and his wife was completely dysfunctional. They were constantly tearing one another apart due to their lack of trust and personal insecurities. These two relationships came into contact with each other, and suffered devastating results. Sadly, the problems between Curly and his wife ended up destroying four

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