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Reliance Petro


Submitted By rajwinder
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Pathak panel probe : Loose ends, grey areas
Businessline. Chennai: Aug 8, 2006. pg. 1
Abstract (Summary)
Both the failure to cross-examine the representatives of the Party under Sections 8B and C, and the unexplained omission to vest the Authority with the power under Section 166A of the Cr.P.C. considerably dilutes the force of the Inquiry Authority's opinion that there was "not a shred of evidence" to link the Congress party to these transactions, that no wrong can be attributed to the Congress party, that there was "no evidence that the Congress party was involved in the contract and that it derived any benefit at all from the contracts," that "indeed, there is nothing to show that the Indian Congress Party had anything to do with the contracts" and that "the reference to the Indian Congress party with respect to Contract No M/10/57 is not justified at all." The impression left in an average reader's mind is that the Authority, by its repeated asseverations to the above effect, wanted to drive home the innocence of the Congress Party beyond all ambiguity or misunderstanding, although this seemingly contradicts its opinion that the sources, materials and documents collected by [Volcker] were "authentic and reliable". Another incongruity There is yet another incongruity as well: Of the four from India named by Volcker report as non-contractual beneficiaries (meaning that they had no obligation to supply food or humanitarian goods to Iraq), Reliance Petroleum and Prof Bhim Singh had already corroborated the entries about them, with the former maintaining that the allocations were handled as a regular commercial transaction, and the latter, that an offer of the allocation of the specified number of barrels was indeed made to him but not accepted as a matter of principle. This lends a semblance of credence to the

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...Drew Phillips Mrs. Moye M/W 10:30 AM December 1, 2012 Being Nobody But Myself An independent person is someone who supports him or herself and is forced to accomplish his or her own responsibilities unaided. A person who is dependent is better known for constantly relying on others for help. Always depending on others causes an individual to lack self-reliance and self-sufficiency. I can shamefully admit that, as a child, I was extremely dependent on everyone around me for everything I did. I was most dependent on my family, including my mom, dad, sister, and cousins. From age ten to twelve I became extremely needy that I started to develop severe laziness. I was so lazy that one day I had asked my cousin to make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, to which she replied no and demanded I make it myself. The only response my sluggish mind could utter was, “But I do not know how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich,” which was an absolute lie. It was as if I began to view my family as my servants. Rarely would I do anything for myself. All I had to say was “I want this” and it would become mine. I was given money, clothes, toys, and food whenever I wanted. I developed into an incompetent child. When I turned thirteen years old, my parents started to act stricter and enforced more rules. This was a turning point in my life because I finally understood that I could not be successful in life by relying on anyone else but myself. From that moment on, I focused all my...

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...Telecom Industry in India 1. INDUSTRYOVERVIEW 1.1 Background The Indian Telecommunications network is the third largest in the world and the second largest among the emerging economies of Asia. Today, it is the fastest growing market in the world. The telecommunication sector continued to register significant success during the year and has emerged as one of the key sectors responsible for India’s resurgent India’s economic growth. 1.1.1 Growth This rapid growth has been possible due to various proactive and positive decisions of the Government and contribution of both by the public and the private sector. The rapid strides in the telecom sector have been facilitated by liberal policies of the Government that provide easy market access for telecom equipment and a fair regulatory framework for offering telecom services to the Indian consumers at affordable prices. 1.1.2 Wireline Vs Wireless It has also undergone a substantial change in terms of mobile versus fixed phones and public versus private participation. The preference for use of wireless phones has also been predominant in the sector. Participation of the private entities in the telecom sector is rapidly increasing rate there by presenting the enormous growth opportunities. There is a clear distinction between the Global Satellite Mobile Communication (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technologies used and the graph below shows the divide between the two. 1.2 Segment wise Status 1.2.1 Wireline Services...

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