Premium Essay

Religion Compare Contrast


Submitted By tns772
Words 313
Pages 2
While Hinduism is a much older belief system than either Confucianism or Buddhism, each greatly impacted the social, political and religious life of their respective founding countries, as well as the countries to which they spread. While all three belief systems were very important to the cultural and social life of their respective countries, both Hinduism and Confucianism were decidedly “state religions” with significant political impact, while Buddhism remained purely a religion of salvation with minimal political impact.

What do you notice about the first paragraph ? ? ?
1. Introisjust2sentences
2. Thesisisarguable&complex(i.e.,itshowssimilarities(HinduismandConfucianismhave significant political impact on their societies in terms of imposing social order) AND it shows differences ( i.e. Buddhism remained religious in nature, and was not as easily co- opted by the state for political purposes)
Now...... How would you complete the essay? Address political, social/cultural and religious similarities and differences of each – analyze the similarities and differences. (Use SPRITE when the prompt is general rather than specific)

Paragraph 2
Arriving Aryans brought some elements of Hindu beliefs with them, but quickly segregated indigenous Dravidians according to varna or color of skin. Early Aryan rulers used this caste system to impose social order. This social order provided the basis for a stratified society where everyone followed their dharma. Confucian beliefs also served the Chinese state well. The emphasis on filial piety and propriety was co-opted by the dynastic rulers and used to impose complete obedience to all superiors. Since the family was an extension of the state, respect for elder family members was easily transferred to obedience to a centralized state. Buddhist practitioners, on the other hand, did not believe in the caste system, so

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