Premium Essay

Reort on Littlefield


Words 1090
Pages 5
The managing of our factory at Littlefield Technologies thought us Production and Operations Management techniques outside the classroom. We experienced live examples of forecasting and capacity management as we moved along the game. Throughout the game our strategy was to apply the topic leant in Productions and Operation Management Class to balance our overall operations.
The game started off by us exploring our factory and ascertaining what were the do’s and don’ts. The initial goal of the goal was to correlate the Re Order Point with the Customer Order Queue. To forecast Demand we used Regression analysis.
We looked and analyzed the Capacity of each station and the Utilization of same. The team ascertained our job completion and our Lead Time.
Our strategy throughout the stimulation was to balance our work station and reduce the bottleneck.

The team consulted and decided on the name of the team that would best suit the team. With much anticipation we reviewed all the literate that was provided subsequently to assist us in decision making at Littlefield Technologies.
DAY 1 (8 OCTOBER 3013)
Data was extracted from “plot job arrival “and analyzed. The information was used to calculate the forecast demand using the regression analysis. The next step was to calculate the Economic Order Point (EOP) and Re Order Point (ROP) was also calculated. A discussion ensued and we decided to monitor our revenue on this day.
The strategy yield a positive response as our revenue was steady at this point.
DAY 2 (9 OCTOBER 2013)
Based on our initial analysis we continue to monitor our progress in term of our ranking and we further calculated the forecast demand using excel. The team then proceeded to take action and we selected Contract Two (Maximum Lead Time One Day). The Re-Order point was changed to 35 batches of 60 kits to ensure

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