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Research Papel


Submitted By casinocheat1
Words 313
Pages 2
Journal: Identify two groups in our society that are looked upon by others. Explain how you know this and why you believe these groups are treated this way. 4

Two groups in our society that are looked down upon are gays and Muslims. Homosexuals are looked down upon because society is not used to seeing same sex relationships. It is “unnatural”. Society also looks down on Muslims because we suspect every Muslim to be a terrorist.

Infant Sorrow:

1) Identify 2 themes and explain how they are shown using textual evidence.4
Parental Care and Struggle
The parents are repressing their children. Safeguarding their children actually keeps them from learning.
The child struggles with his father and wants to be with his mother.
2) Describe the mood/tone and key words that help you define this. 2
The mood/ tone is depressing. Words like groaned, wept, and dangerous.
3) In “Infant Sorrow” what are the reactions of the parents and the child to the child’s birth? What do these reactions indicate about the moment? 3
I had no clue it was about a child’s birth. I am not good with poems. The parents are happy for their child and caring.

Chimney Sweeper:
4) Identify 2 themes and explain how they are shown using textual evidence.4
Themes: Child Abuse and Thankfulness
The father abuses his child by selling him into labor.
The child is thankful that he is at least alive, unlike many other children.
5) Explain the contrast in black and white.2
Black is dark and resembles death. A black coffin. White resembles purity and innocence. Darkness covers the children’s purity.
6) Show evidence of the role of God in the lives and futures of these young chimney sweeps. 2
God made them high and lowly. Blake shows that the children that are maltreated still bear the image of God.

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