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Research Paper Small and Medium Enterprises


Submitted By dezio
Words 294
Pages 2

Paper compiled by Dezio Banda, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager.

NICE implements its activities mainly through the district structures. The office at the district is comprised of the DCEO, ADCEO and Volunteers. These are responsible for the implementation of various civic and voter education activities. However, it has always been difficult to establish the standardized and proportionate workload among these three categories of people. This knowledge is important for the following: 1. It provides guidance to management to appreciate the level of engagements in view of either scaling up or down the additional responsibilities to each of these individuals. 2. It provides information as regards to who does more work at the district. 3. In an event of undertaking an impact assessment of the district –based activities, who should participate inorder to generate unbiased findings. This is based on the principle that one cannot implement and at the same time evaluate oneself.

The rapid survey was undertaken to achieve the following: 1. To find out extent of workload variations among districts with the view of establishing the need for standardized workload schedule for performance effectiveness. 2. To establish who does more with the view of rationalization of responsibilities. 3. To relate workloads and quality of outputs of the districts. In other ways, is there any relationship between the variation in workloads for the DCEO and the quality of reports one produces?

The findings of the survey would assist management in the following: a. Guide management in making strategic decisions. b. Flush out strategic

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