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Resolving Employee Conflict


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Resolving Employee Conflict

Chassidy Babcock

Liberty University

Conflict is a process the begins when an individual believes that they have had some sort of a negative influence brought against them, by another individual or group of individuals
Workplace conflict is conflict in the workplace usually over personality clashes, or opinions in relationship (Wikipedia, n.d.). Workplace conflict is usually a normal occurrence. Whenever people work together conflict is likely to arise, and it can present challenges to the management when resolving the conflict. It is important for the management to respond constructively and come up with a fair solution to both sides of the party (Sandiland, T 2015). Statics show that conflicts in workplaces happen more frequently that realized and it consumes manager’s time, causing a decrease in overall productiveness within an organization. This is according to a study conducted in 1996. A typical manager can spend up to 30% of their time during a day when solving conflicts, and in severe cases conflicts can take up 42% of a manager’s time (Workplace Conflict, 2013, Dec 31).

Some of the causes of workplace conflict are work style ethics, such as punctuality, making good use of time while on the clock, and workplace cleanliness. Background is another issue such as culture, how a person’s upbringing was religion, and family experiences. Gender is still a prevalent role in workplace conflict. There are still some males in the workforce that think they are superior over woman, and woman are not able to perform their duties as efficient as them. Skill is another cause of workplace conflict. Employees may feel threatened or afraid that someone with a high skill level could take their position away from them. Or often people with greater skill levels, can intimidate other worker’s intelligence. One of the main causes of workplace conflict is personalities. Let’s face it, not everyone see things through the same eyes. Not one person has the same personality. Employees need to figure out how to put personalities and personal feelings aside to be able to be a productive part of the organization (Workplace Conflict, 2013, Dec 31). There was a study done in 2002 and 2002 by psychologist Bell and Heart and they concluded that there were 8 common causes of workplace conflict. They are as listed with an explanation and possible solutions to help the conflicts from occurring.
Conflicting Resources
Everyone needs some type of resources in their job and when resources become scarce conflict arise, this is called conflicting resources. Conflicting resources can be as simple as competing for office space and supplies, use of meeting room, vehicle use, and department’s employees’ times. Department employee time is fighting over time to consult with someone for example, from Human Resources or Payroll (Sears, Kennedy, Kaye 1997). A resolution to this is to make sure that the employees have a fair negotiation between themselves for the use of resources. Each negotiation should intend a goal, offer a trade, offer an alternative, have expected outcomes, while offering a solution and determining consequences if a resolution is not made (Win Win Negotiation, n.d.). Managers can help their employees by making sure resources are plentiful, and teach team members how to prioritize time usage of office space and departmental employees. (Bell Hart 8 Reasons for Common Workplace Conflict, n.d.).
Conflicting work styles
There are many things that influence conflicting work styles, such as procrastinators vs. pre-planners who have the job done ahead of time, some employees go with the flow while others show resistance, and work cleanliness vs uncleanliness. To help prevent this type of conflict managers should place like employees in the same workgroups. In bigger companies a Myers-Briggs Personality Test may be beneficial. The Myer-Briggs personality test matches people in groups according to 4 psychological scale (Sear, Kennedy, Kaye, 1997). 1. Extroversion-Introversion 2. Sensing- Intuition 3. Thinking-Feeling 4. Judging- Perceiving By determining a person’s personality from these scales they can try to place similar personalities in similar groups, in hopes to have less personal conflicts within the organization while increasing overall productivity throughout the organization. Conflicting Perception Non one sees the world the same, everyone see things different through their own eyes and “differences in perception of event” can cause for great conflict (Bell and Heart Eight Reasons for Common Workplace Conflict, n.d.). This is particularly true when it comes to changes in the organization, such as promotions, demotions, mergers and buyouts, are to name a few examples. Most employees take these events in their own perception and make generalize opinions about them and share those options with others, and cause a rumor mill. The easiest way for an employer to avoid this type of conflict, is with open communication of events occurring within an organization. Having open discussion and explanations of events will reduce employee anxiety and help reduce the spread of unneeded gossip in an organization. The more information shared the less likely it will be for employees to come up with their own ideas (Mursyiddin, Roha, 2013).
Conflicting Goals
Not all people in the same organization have the same goals. One person’s goal may conflict another’s. Some goals are intended for personal gain over organizational gain. So if employee do not share the same goals conflict is sure to arise. Goals of the organization should be set by the organization, and every employee should know what their goal is pertaining to the organization. If goals are unclear or conflicting it is important that the goals be negotiated to meet the group as a whole (Bell and Heart Eight Reason for Common Workplace Conflict n.d.).
Conflicting Pressures Conflicting pressures are similar to conflicting goals except there are time restrictions or time deadlines for the roles to be completed. Employees under these type of pressure can cause conflict with other employee without the intent to do so.
It is important for management to realize that if these pressures are causing conflicts between employees, that goal deadlines be rescheduled or acceptable time frames are given to complete the assigned goals.
Conflicting Roles If employees are asked to preform are asked to perform tasks or responsibilities outside their normal responsibilities, other employees may become jealous or unaccepting to the new task. Also other employees may feel threatened because the other employee may be “stepping on their toes”, or infringing on their position. This can cause great power struggles within the organization. When employee fell threatened again conflicts may occur. If conflict arrive over power or position the manger should step in, and clearly define the new roles and responsibility given to the employee and make it clear what their duties and objectives of their newly assigned task (Bell and Heart Eight Reason for Common Workplace Conflict, n.d.).
Personal Values Personal values is the most prevalent reason for workplace conflict (2008). Personal values and ethics can be the greatest hurdle in overcoming conflict. Not all people hold the same standards or moral and values, and they are viewed differently throughout different cultures, financial statuses, upbringing religious beliefs and over all personal needs (Hart and Bell Eight Reasons for Common Workplace Conflict n.d.).
It is important that an organization has a clear mission statement. A mission statement is the purpose of a company and where the company wants to go (Satarlee, 2013). In a company’s mission statement they should state their moral and ethical expectations from the individuals and set it as standard for the companies operation.
Even though a company’s mission statement may not have the same ethical and moral values of the employees, it is a least clearly stated what expectations the employee are to up hold while conducting business as a member or that organization.

Changes in Rules and Regulations The final reason evaluated by Hart and Bell is changes in rules and regulations within an organization. Sometimes it is hard for employees to conform to changes within an organization and to uphold these changes. An organization should clearly state what the objective of these changes are and what consequences shall occur if they are not followed (Win Win Negotiation, n.d.). Hart and Bell’s eight reason for conflict poses an extended view on rules and regulations within in workplaces. Rules and regulations within an organization are implemented to help ward off conflicts and what to do if conflicts arise. It is important that an organization to establish a strong employee handbook with these essential elements. According to an article retrieved from Human Resource World: Essential Items of an Employee Handbook, an effective employee handbook should include the following:

A disclaimer defines the nature of the handbook. It should state that it is not a contract for employment, in the event that the employee is terminated in the future. Clearly stating that their employment is not under contract can help prevent legal conflicts.
Goals and Missions Statement As stated before a company’s goals and missions statement is the vision and direction that the company wants to accomplish and where they can state their ethical and moral values.
Appropriate Employee Definition This part of the handbook define clear roles of position. Establish what the requirements of a full-time and part-time employees are and what separates them from an independent contractor.
Clearly Defined Work Week This part of the handbook should define the hours of operations within an organization, how long is an employee work day, how many hours a week an employee is expected to work and if weekends are included in a work week.

General Policies and Procedures In this part of the handbook is where issues such as dress codes are defined, when pay periods begin and end, how hours of work are tracked, and how a person can acquire holiday pay. This is the area where issues where conflict can be addressed such as use of company faculties and amenities, such as phone usage and computer use. It is addressed in this area, how employees are expected to act while on company time, and if they are to accept gifts from outside vendors. Any other rule, or policy that impacts the organizations operations should be clearly stated in this section. All rules and policies should be clearly stated of the consequences and actions taken if they are broken. This area of the handbook is the most important factor on reducing and controlling conflicts within the organization.
Leave and Vacation This section an employee can find out how to take and fill out the appropriate forms for leaves of absences such as sabbaticals, Family Medical Leave Acts, maternal and funeral leaves. Also in this section will be addressed how to acquire vacation leave.
Employee Benefits
This section deals with how to obtain benefits such as health insurances, retirement plans, disabilities insurances, life insurances or any other employee benefit the organization has to offer.
Problem Resolution
The last part of the employee handbook should clearly define what procedures and employee should follow when they have a grievance. This should outlines who they need to report to, or if there are any type of forms that needs to be filled out to start the grievance process.
It is essential that an organization does a proper and fair investigation, with a follow through process and give an employee options if they are not satisfied with the investigation.
This is an important process in resolving conflicts. If conflicts go unresolved it decreases efficiency and productiveness of the employees overall performance. Problem resolution helps send positive messages to employees by showing them that the organization does stand behind high ethical and moral values, which give the employee the inception that the organization cares about their overall well-being (Kolodinsky, Giacalong, Jurkiewicz, 2008).
Buy putting into understanding of Bell and Hart’s reasons for conflict and following the essential elements of a strong employee handbook this can help prevent most occurring conflicts that can occur within an organization. This will help the employees know their roles and responsibilities while employed within an organization, and how to follow policies and procedures. If an organizations upholds their hand book and follows through with implicating these standards, it should help reduce a majority of employee and job related conflicts. Establishing ground rules for all employees such as codes of conducts outlined in a handbook produces workers to know what is expect of them. Not all employee conflict can be avoided or put into a handbook, but having an understanding why conflicts occur, and make implications to understandings them can greatly reduce job productivity and management’s time increasing overall productiveness of an organization (Sandilands, 2015).

Conflict. (n.d...) In Wikipedia. Retrieved March 16, 2015, from
Sandliland, T. (2015) Define Conflict in the Workplace. [Blog post] Retrieved from
Workplace Conflict. (2013, December 31). Cambodian Business Review, 9(12). Retrieved from
Win Win Negotiation: Finding a Fair Compromise (n.d...). Retrieved March 18 from
Sears, S. J., Kennedy, J. J., & Kaye, G. L. (1997). Myers-Briggs personality profiles of prospective educators. The Journal of Educational Research, 90(4), 195. Retrieved from
Bell and Harts Eight Common Causes of Workplace Conflicts. (n,d). Retrieved from
Kolodinsky, R. W., Giacalone, R. A., & Jurkiewicz, C. L. (2008). Workplace values and outcomes: Exploring personal, organizational, and interactive workplace spirituality. Journal of Business Ethics, 81(2), 465-480. doi:
Checklist: Essential Items for an Employee Handbook (n.d.). Retrieved March, 18, 2015 from Mursyiddin, A. M., Ghani, E. K., & Ismie Roha, M. J. (2013). Factors influencing the conception of rumors in workplace. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2(6), 50-63. Retrieved from
Saterlee, A. (2013). Organizational Management and Leadership: A Christian Perspective. (2013). (2nd Ed.). Synergistic International Inc.

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