Premium Essay



Submitted By lizdelphais
Words 391
Pages 2
Elizabeth Delphais
Downingtown, PA
Authorized to work in the US for any employer
Work Experience
Sales Associate/Key Holder
Piercing Pagoda - Exton, PA
August 2014 to Present
Professional retail sales and customer service associate. Meets commission-based sales goals. Highly energized Sales Associate with expertise in the jewelry industry. Reliable, confident and hard working.
Babysitting / Nanny Job - Exton, PA
March 2014 to Present
Develop, nurture and care for children, prepare bottles and snacks for infants and children, bathe, dress and groom infants and children, arrange formula and change diapers, organize and take part in leisure activities such as games, crafts, comics, outings and exercise, discipline children in keeping with the methods requested by the parents, maintain a clean and healthy environment inside the home, keep an eye on children’s activities during meals and rest periods, take care of the emotional comfort of children. Skills Used
-Adept at supervising and caring for children in the absence of parents or regular caregiver
-Highly skilled in diaper-changing and bottle-feeding
-Proven ability to control the activities of children efficiently
-Demonstrated ability to handle emergency situations efficiently and contact on emergency numbers quickly
-Skilled in playing games and engaging children in educational activities
-Profound ability to bathe, dress and feed infants and children
-Able to organize activities such as games and outings to provide fun and exercise
-Ability to act quickly and stay calm in medical emergencies
-Profound patience while dealing with children
-Good sense of humor and playfulness
-Good communication and interpersonal skills
Giant Food Stores - West Chester, PA
November 2013 to July 2015

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