Premium Essay



Submitted By mkr1534
Words 84394
Pages 338
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter 1 - Priming
Chapter 2 - Confabulation
Chapter 3 - Confirmation Bias
Chapter 4 - Hindsight Bias
Chapter 5 - The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy
Chapter 6 - Procrastination
Chapter 7 - Normalcy Bias
Chapter 8 - Introspection
Chapter 9 - The Availability Heuristic
Chapter 10 - The Bystander Effect
Chapter 11 - The Dunning-Kruger Effect
Chapter 12 - Apophenia
Chapter 13 - Brand Loyalty
Chapter 14 - The Argument from Authority
Chapter 15 - The Argument from Ignorance
Chapter 16 - The Straw Man Fallacy
Chapter 17 - The Ad Hominem Fallacy
Chapter 18 - The Just-World Fallacy
Chapter 19 - The Public Goods Game
Chapter 20 - The Ultimatum Game
Chapter 21 - Subjective Validation
Chapter 22 - Cult Indoctrination
Chapter 23 - Groupthink
Chapter 24 - Supernormal Releasers
Chapter 25 - The Affect Heuristic
Chapter 26 - Dunbar’s Number
Chapter 27 - Selling Out
Chapter 28 - Self-Serving Bias
Chapter 29 - The Spotlight Effect
Chapter 30 - The Third Person Effect
Chapter 31 - Catharsis
Chapter 32 - The Misinformation Effect
Chapter 33 - Conformity
Chapter 34 - Extinction Burst
Chapter 35 - Social Loafing
Chapter 36 - The Illusion of Transparency
Chapter 37 - Learned Helplessness
Chapter 38 - Embodied Cognition
Chapter 39 - The Anchoring Effect
Chapter 40 - Attention
Chapter 41 - Self-Handicapping
Chapter 42 - Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Chapter 43 - The Moment
Chapter 44 - Consistency Bias
Chapter 45 - The Representativeness Heuristic
Chapter 46 - Expectation
Chapter 47 - The Illusion of Control
Chapter 48 - The Fundamental Attribution Error


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