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Rhetorical Analysis Of Nature By Richard Louv

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Pages 4
Nature is at the heart of every society and culture, it is the basis of which cities, towns, and nations were built on. We as a species relied on the land and nature to provide us with materials for shelter and for food and water, things that are vital if you want to live and thrive. Through advancements in technology and ideas being sprung out, we learned how to bend nature to our advantage and eventually sever ourselves from it. In nearly all modern societies, we have created a gap between people and nature, a truth that is superbly echoed by Richard Louv. Louv uses rhetorical strategies such as using a narrative, imagery, and fictional and relatable stories. Louv states “our experience of natural landscape ‘often occurs within an automobile …show more content…
‘Yes… We actually looked outside the car window’” (Louv, The Last Child in the Woods). He takes an idea that is so familiar and transforms it into something never even heard of by future generations. This really puts into perspective the alarmingly fast rate we are separating from nature and this makes the reader wonder “what if”. When thought is applied, it really puts it in perspective as the reader can imagine their grandparents telling them of a childhood before electronics, suddenly, that future doesn’t seem that distant. Louv, through exquisite wording, then transports us into another world of his; “We used our fingers to draw on fogged glass as we watched telephone poles tick by. We saw birds on the wires and combines in the field. We were fascinated by roadkill, we counted cows and horses and coyotes and shaving cream signs” (Louv, The Last Child in the Woods). Using sensational imagery, Louv was able to paint a world around us, one that we can truly see ourselves in. Readers can easily imagine themselves writing in the glass, looking at the birds and cows, and much more and he made it all so real as if the event actually happened in our lifetime. He creates a connection between the reader and the writer, and then goes beyond that, and builds a personal connection an emotional one by using a very common,

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